Liberate yourselves from the state’s chains!

Ferenz Pineda
3 min readMay 12, 2024


Today, your family, your colleagues, your communities and most importantly, ourselves, are oppressed unlike any other time in history. No longer is it because of one dictator, but courtesy of all of us who are blinded by the idea of a perfect world.

That one day, gone will be the greedy corporations, derelict schools, or a broken healthcare system. Grand ambitions in themselves. Yet entirely united by one thing: the ‘state‘ doing all the work and the everyday person suffering as a result.

Take the education of our next generation, who naturally carry the precarious torch of change into the future. Despite the majority of the Western world offering social benefits like state schools, we’ve been experiencing a decline in student performance way before the pandemic.

The issues are constant across all public institutions and monopolies. Billions pour into a tired system. But the high concentration of demand will always outweigh a lack of competition, innovation and change.

Above all, there is waste, waste and more waste of your money. No one would want to give a stranger their savings, yet we must do so regularly to pay tax and avoid the legal penalties. It is only the already wealthy who can circumvent this, exploiting the same bureaucracy designed to help the working class. Instead, the state seems to know better than you as to how to live.

We must begin to say no. First, to the idea that this renewed movement is exclusively for the political left or right. What is being advocated is an entirely human thing, and no one should be ashamed or put down to want freedom to pursue a fruitful career and a fulfilling lifestyle without restraints.

Remember that it is the individual empowered who has the capacity to positively change the world, not the state and its promises.

Second, we should realise the facts. That despite immense opportunity and a long-term trend of growing productivity, real wages for the ordinary worker have failed to match. In America, the beginnings of this trend coincides with President Nixon’s formal departure from the gold standard in the 1970s.

Since then, governments have gone into immense debt to fund excessive spending. This creates what we call inflation, meaning your money is again, stolen from you because it is worth less.

We must act to prevent a dystopian future extensively documented in literature, recorded as part of history and hidden in plain sight today. Everyone wants to believe in perfection, and no one deserves to face harsh truths. That is, until the realisation actually benefits you.

Where would you be with 30% more savings? Theoretically, you could start a business unimpeded, fund better education, take an extra holiday, save for a mortgage, or simply weather the cost of living crisis. But no, sorry. The state has punished you for your hard work, and if you don’t comply, we will do you one better.

When was the last time you went to a public school or hospital? You would see the ruin, the overcrowding, the wait-times. More egregious is the look on these poor public servants, whose passion to teach and to heal is eroded by the state and its insistences on the same treatment plan or curriculum, no matter the person.

And then, we must consider all the opportunity that is missed entirely. Imagine all the laws and regulation that drag you down. Why should you be treated a baby, policed into wearing a seatbelt, thinking in a certain way or eating the right diet?

Ultimately, it is about uniting society beyond values, background and status to cooperate in a win-win situation. Without a state to act as the middleman, then prosperity remains amongst individuals. This protects us from ever being coerced again.

The most onerous task is appealing to the mainstream to advance society. We only need to provide the space for people to connect the dots, that a crisis of our wallets, good jobs and the freedom to live is caused by a failed state and its arms all around you.

We can choose greatness. It starts here and ends with you.

