Submissive Molly — Final Chapter

5 min readJan 1, 2021


Submissive Molly — Final Chapter

By One Who Knows

It has been several years now, since that fateful day when Charlie came into Molly’s life. It has been a wonderful, wild, exciting life for them. Charlie had told her way back when, that life with him would be like a roller-coaster ride and that she would never be bored. Today Molly will tell you that Charlie wasn’t kidding! Life has been, and continues to be, more than she ever imagined she would experience and enjoy to the fullest.

Charlie is very much in charge of life, being Master to Molly, who is not his slave but is certainly his submissive. Molly loves that Charlie is always in charge, planning where they will go, what they will do, and what she will wear, which is usually very sexy!

He is always planning trips for them to enjoy, going out dining and dancing, going for walks, going shopping, to say nothing of all the sexual things he plans for them!

Molly knows that she will be dressed very sexy. Since everyone says she has the sexiest legs in any group of women, she knows that her skirts will be very short to show off those sexy legs, some being tight to show off her tight little ass, and others being very loose, light weight and flowing so the breeze can occasionally bare her ass!

Molly had her nipples pierced years ago in Las Vegas, and Charlie has bought her lots of nipple jewelry to wear. Since there is not much point in wearing nipple jewelry if it is not going to show… Molly knows that her blouses are going to be quite sheer… sometimes to the point of being absolutely see-through!

When the weather is hot she knows that day wear will be very skimpy, just so Charlie can enjoy the lovely, sexy view of Molly’s luscious breasts bouncing and jiggling, with nipple jewelry that shines in the light to really catch the eye! And to watch those sexy legs and tight little ass as she walks.

Charlie is such a nasty master… but Molly really loves him and wouldn’t want him to be any other way! He has shown her how to enjoy sex in so many ways. He can play with her and make her have a dozen intense orgasms…’til she thinks she will pass out! He can make her muscles ache from the intensity.

He loves to put vacuum cups on her breasts and suck her nipples tightly into them… making them engorge in blood and turn dark pink… and when he removes the cups her nipples are so sensitive he can give her orgasms just by sucking on her nipples! Charlie is also quite fond of nipple clamps which cause a similar reaction.

Occasionally Charlie will tell Molly that she has been a bad girl, make her lay down over some pillows with her bare ass in the air, and give her a good spanking, turning her creamy white butt cheeks a lovely shade of rosy pink. And sometimes when she is in this position…Charlie will treat her, and himself, to the joy of giving her a thorough butt fucking!

Charlie had been very successful in the investing world, having built his portfolio to the point of having a quite comfortable income from dividends, interest, and other sources so that he was now able retire at a young age and not need to be working anymore. They are now about to enter a new phase of life… retirement and all the free time that comes with it. Since they love to travel, and primarily by RV, Charlie just recently bought a new one for retirement travel. Travelling by RV is so nice because your things are always under your control, and not being snooped through by some hotel employee. Some of the items that they travel with might shock the person who snooped, and be rather difficult to explain if they were accidently found by a friend. Charlie is such a nasty Master… with all the toys and other things he likes to use on Molly. And she once in a while will even surprise Charlie and turn the tables on him and “give him a treatment or two”!

Thinking about all the new possibilities of unlimited free time, and all the places they still want to go visit, Charlie decided that, even though Molly had agreed to his being in charge many years ago… and had even signed a contract giving him absolute control over what they did or what she would wear or do… that it was time to ask Molly if she was ready for this new phase of life they were coming to… and to again agree and sign a new binding contract stating that Charlie was in total control, and that she would lovingly wear any and all attire that her Master might choose to dress her in, and that she would do everything that her Master might ask her to do.

Charlie thought for quite a while about what should be included in a new contract, if there should be any limitations, and if there were some very specific items that should be stated. He wanted to be sure that his Molly knew exactly what was expected of her, and the consequences if she hesitated to do as he asked her. When he decided that he had it all straight in his mind, all that was left was to write the contract and ask Molly if she loved him enough and trusted him enough to agree to all the terms of the contract, and give him absolute control. The contract read:

This contract is between the persons who have signed below, acknowledging that they have signed of their own free will, and that the terms of this contract are absolutely binding on both parties.

The Nasty Master of this partnership will have total and unquestionable power over his Loving Submissive.

He will decide where they are going, what they are going to do, what activities or games they are going to play, what his Loving Submissive will wear to please her Nasty Master with NO restrictions on how he may dress her.

The Loving Submissive of this partnership knows that her Nasty Master will dress her in some very sexy attire, and sometimes in attire that is absolutely Nasty & Exposing.

She agrees to wear ANY & ALL of whatever her Nasty Master chooses for her… ANYWHERE & ANYTIME.

She PROMISES that she will NOT refuse ANY request her Nasty Master asks of her.

She agrees that any hesitation on her part will earn her a thorough spanking.

There are NO exceptions to this contract!

Signed: Nasty Master ______________

Signed: Loving Submissive_______________

This contract takes effect immediately and has no termination date.

