Fernando Marin Valencia — Career Growth, Opportunities in Real Estate and Notable Awards

Fernando Marin Valencia
3 min readJan 24, 2018


Fernando Marin Valencia Early life and Career

Fernando Marin Valencia born in the year 1955 in Colombia, graduated in 1978 from The Industrial University of Santander (Colombia) with a degree in Civil Engineering. Though he studied Engineering, he ventured into politics to become Councilor of a city in Colombia known as Floridablanca. Later on he was involved in both Andres Pastrana and Alvaro Uribe’s presidential campaigns.

In addition to politics, Fernando was among the board members of Ecopetrol which is the leading petroleum company in Colombia. He served on the board for 4 years between 1998–2002 and also as a representative for ex-President Pastrana. He later took up the position as Colombian Ambassador in 2002 to Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia. Thereafter, Fernando was made Ambassador to Guyana, Venezuela and Surname from 2002 when President Alvaro Uribe was in power.

In 1976 he turned to real estate and joined efforts with his father and brother to found a vibrant company, Marval Construction S.A. Years later in 2003, Fernando began his own company called Grama whose main mandate is to touch the lives of underprivileged families living at the Caribbean coast. Through this construction company Grama, Fernando has been able to give excellent quality houses and designs across Colombia something which has made him receive much recognition placing his company among the finest developers in the country.

Fernando Marin Valencia target market

Fernando Marin Valencia is a highly recognized developer in Colombia with his company Grama Constructions ranked among the top in the country.The company targets people from all walks of life in Colombia from the rich to low income earners. His company builds luxury housing, low-income houses and is involved in a government housing program commonly known as VIPA. This program enables people to own houses and pay a small amount to the government on a monthly basis. The program has been able to put up more than 100,000 units of houses and Grama Constructions has been part of constructing 1,500 of them. The long term sustainability of the program is not guaranteed though many people are in agreement that it is a program that has been of great help.

Fernando Marin Valencia Notable Awards and Recognitions

Fernando has been in the spotlight for more than two decades and has been the recipient of a receive a number of awards and recognitions including:

· Executive Leadership Golden Award for the development of the Santander region — Awarded by the Alumni Association of the Industrial University of Santander.

· Honorable Order of the Colombian Congress — Order Cross of the Commander.

· Recognition for support to the various Colombian Military, Air Force, Naval and Police at the Colombian Embassy in Venezuela — Awarded by the Military, Police, Air Force and Navy.

· Plaque of Recognition — FENALCO.

· Order of the Meritory Citizen — Awarded by the Mayor of Bucaramanga.



Fernando Marin Valencia

Fernando Marin Valencia, founder and President of Grama Construction. (Grama Construcciones or Grupo Grama), was born in Colombia in 1955.