My new Year’s resolutions (2018)

Fernando Paris
2 min readJan 21, 2018


As every year I try to visualize, and think about what are my wishes for the coming year, things I want to learn, improve etc.

This year, due the fact, that I want to start writing my thoughts, learnings, on a blog, as a way of saving the information and making personal retrospectives, plus sharing them, if somehow, the stories can help others… I thought there was no better way than writing my first post, including My new Year’s resolutions.

My resolutions are:

  • Acquire the right balance between family and work
  • Continue playing Kubetto once a week with my kid, as a way of teaching software development
  • Talk in english with my kids
  • Practice sports 3 times a week. Its key for my mind balance
  • Funnel my strong character, without loosing my strenghts
  • Do not start more projects than the ones I can deal with
  • Mold my Weaknesses
  • Finish the year with 103 kg or less ( started with 113)
  • Read 8 technical books this year ( last year 6)
  • Shifting my daily dev time to blockchain
  • Keep on my focus on DDD
  • Learn a new programming language (seems to be GO. Solidity is for granted)
  • Attend not less than 4 conference this year .If there is chance give a talk o one, to improve speaking in public, and self confidence, will be a plus
  • Try to be active on communities, twitter etc
  • Restate my agile knowledge, learnings, reading, sharing etc.
  • Read + learn more about management, team building etc
  • Add pillars on my toolchain via XP, TDD and others
  • Write on a blog.

I have some ideas for the blog:

  • Tripolarity, the right equilibrium to make good business and tech decisions
  • Lessons I learned and must learn, managing teams and being part of them, and how i applied them on next chances, or will try to ( I am on the way)
  • Mistakes and successes working with DDD
  • My first steps on Blockchain. What I like , dislike or will keep on figuring out
  • From Cloudformation to Terraform. Why the switch and benefits
  • How I envision Blockchain

If you are interested on some of the post drafts, please let me know, and i will raise their priority.

Lets see what becomes true, of all my wishes and challenges!



Fernando Paris

Working hard to improve on daily basis. Without risk there is no win! @Iobuilders ex-yaap ex-lastminute