Turn the Key 04 — Turn the Tables

12 min readJan 6, 2021


CW: Contains themes of hypnosis, CNC, ménage and doll play. All characters are consenting adults.

I sit by the window and shiver as the first few flakes of snow drift towards the earth. If not for the passing of the seasons I’d lose my sense of time completely here in the dollhouse. I wrap my Daddy’s thick cable knit cardigan tighter around my small frame and rest my forehead against the cool glass watching my breath fog against the panes. I wonder if there will be another storm.

Citrouille is close by in the parlor, preferring to curl up by the blazing fireplace and the pale yellows of the walls create a feeling of warmth despite the crisp gray of the world outside. We’ve had a lovely Christmas holiday and I smile glancing at the ornaments I made for our tree. I can see my touch in little places throughout the massive estate, and despite its size I realize it has come to feel like home.

My mind wanders back to Christmas morning. I’d gone to sleep the night before and woken to find myself dressed in ruffles and crushed red velvet, positioned like the doll that I’ve become under the tree, key protruding from my throat. My Daddy had made a big show of feigned surprise at his petit cadeau under the tree and unwrapping me to inspect all of my parts.

He’d stripped me down to my knee-high, lace top stockings and white Mary Jane shoes before spreading my knees and devouring me. I’d been unable to move as I’d stared up into the lovely colored lights dancing through the tree, and orgasm after orgasm had torn through me until I was seeing stars of my own.

Being the creative sort, my Daddy had bound me with ribbons from various packages as he unwrapped them, holding each surprise in my field of vision. He demonstrated the use of each item one by one, cracking the new heart shaped leather paddle against my bottom and filling my openings with various toys. Stretching my bottom with a sparkly new plug containing a pale blue crystal that reminded me of icicles, my Daddy had then removed my key leaving me bound on my knees but very human. He’d grabbed my hips and penetrated me with exquisite slowness before fucking me violently as I cried out, cheek pressed against the soft cream-colored carpet.

The rest of the day had been quiet and tender. We’d shared cut out cookies that I’d baked with his help and decorated with sprinkles and sweet colored icing. My Daddy had outright spoiled me and I’d been delighted to open a new pair of ice skates with a promise that he’d teach me to skate if I was a good girl. I’d shown him just how good I could be, kissing him in sinful places until he’d filled my mouth with something different entirely. The only hiccup had been a brief shift in his mood when I’d helped him open holiday cards and found a strange message in the one from Jonathan, the brooding younger man I’d met briefly at my welcome party earlier in the year.

I hope you enjoy your holiday while your lovely new doll is with you, it had read. I’d puzzled over the strange wording and felt a whisp of rage from my Daddy before he’d smiled and tucked it away in his desk instead of hanging it on the strand of glittery clothespins by the mantle with the other season’s greetings.

Turning the riddle over in my mind again, I’m lost in thought and startled by the sound of Citrouille’s claws ticking against the hardwood in pursuit of attention. I turn to see my Daddy ruffling the pup’s ears softly and smiling at me with that special sort of grin he gets when he’s planned a naughty surprise. My heart begins to race but I obediently tilt my head backwards to expose the heart shaped lock embedded in my throat.

“Good girl,” he says pleased but shaking his head to indicate I can relax. “You’ll stay my sweet girl for now but you will be playing dolls.” My pulse begins to gallop now knowing for certain there is some new twist in store. I take his offered hand and he leads me to the purple room. I squeal with delight when I see who is waiting for me there, and run to fling myself into Ana’s arms.

Ana returns my brilliant smile with a dazzling one of her own that warms me from top to bottom. Her blue eyes shine bright beneath her blonde pixie cut as she tangles her hands in my raven curls and kisses me on both cheeks. Ana is the sunshine to my storm clouds and I’ve missed her terribly. “I thought that you could use some female company this afternoon,” my Daddy says brightly. “I’ll be supervising of course and I’ve arranged a surprise for the two of you with the permission of Ana’s Daddy in advance.”

Ana takes my hand and drags me over to the podium in front of the mirror where Daddy often dresses me. I can’t believe that in my excitement I’ve missed the giant box with a massive lavender bow. The box, striped in candy shades, appears to be open on the bottom and sits touching the floor around the podium. It’s at least 7 feet tall and nearly brushes the ceiling. I wonder if it’s a wardrobe box with new doll clothes for dress up.

We look in unison to my Daddy who nods his permission and Ana helps me tug loose the giant bow. Noticing a seam in one corner of the box, I recognize a flap and I give it a tug, opening it like a door.

Ana’s mouth drops open and I imagine her expression of shock is mirrored by my own. Inside the box is a man, appearing to be in his late thirties, with dark hair and eyes and dressed in fatigues reminiscent of a popular vintage action figure. Around his neck however is a thick leather collar with an imposing looking iron lock, complete with key protruding. Along the edge of the collar a single word is printed in bold lettering. DOLL, it reads.

“He’s yours for the evening darlings,” my Daddy explains. “He’s been thoroughly cleaned and pre-preprogrammed to follow your orders exactly. He can feel anything that a human can but cannot move or act without your direction. Think of him as a giant puppet. You just need to pull the strings.”

Ana and I exchange a wicked look as Daddy outlines the rules. There is a box of accessories that have come with the doll. We are not to use objects that didn’t come in the box. We are free of course to touch each other at will, but our respective Daddies own our parts and so the doll’s anatomically correct genitals are not to penetrate either of us at any time. Otherwise, he and all of his parts, are at our complete disposal. We are to put down a play mat so as not to make a mess.

It’s hard to focus while my mind runs wild but my Daddy swats my bottom to make sure I am listening. “Most importantly” he finishes, “do try not to break the doll, he was very expensive.”

Daddy flops down in an arm chair which he seems to have brought in for the occasion and opens a book. “Play nicely now,” he says sternly but with a smile in his eyes. I turn to Ana and then to the doll. I decide to be brave and make the first move.

I clear my voice. “Sit on the play mat!” I command. Ana gasps as the doll steps down off the podium and walks stiffly over to the mat before sitting down, his legs extended and staring blankly ahead.” I look over at my Daddy who nods in approval, encouraging me on. “Can we dress him up with things not in his box?” I ask.

“As long as the items don’t go on the inside of the doll it’s okay,” he confirms, “but thank you for asking first.” My eyes turn towards my own wardrobe full of frilly dresses and dolls clothes but in addition to be for a woman, they are all in my size.

“Let’s dress him up!” Ana exclaims catching on. We rifle through my collection choosing items with more flexible sizing such as lacy garters and sun bonnets. We dress ourselves as well putting on some feathered fascinators and white gloves. An onlooker might think we were going to a formal tea or other fancy party. The lace items and giant yellow sun hat look silly on our masculine doll and we burst into giggles. It’s not as if he can complain. My Daddy’s eyes widen when he looks up from his book for just a moment before he controls his expression. I suspect this is not what he had in mind.

Feeling the ice has been broken I begin to feel bolder. “Let’s undress him now,” I suggest. Ana giggles sweetly and begins to strip off the extra accessories. She lifts his arms while I tug the T-shirt over his head revealing a sculped torso underneath. The pants are next and I push him backwards into a reclining position but his legs are very heavy. It takes both of us to wrestle him out of his fatigues and we lay panting beside the doll on the mat.

“Don’t forget you can give him orders,” my Daddy suggests helpfully. Ana suggests that we remove our own clothes for the sake of comfort and I agree even though my clothing isn’t particularly restrictive. She raises her own arms this time and I lift her blouse up and away. Her nipples tighten on her small firm breasts as they are exposed to the cooler air. She returns the favor exposing my larger ones which contrast with my small waist. The doll becomes almost forgettable when we’ve stripped down to nothing but our panties. I remark that mine are pink and Ana’s are blue.

We turn our attention back to the doll and I feel my Daddy’s eyes watching me more intently now. My own connect with Ana’s and in silent agreement we tug the dolls boxers down his muscled thighs exposing his significant girth. We both begin to giggle when we realize there is one movement he can control on his own, as we watch his cock begin to harden and rise.

I tell Ana to take her panties off and join me. I savor watching them slide down over her thighs and exposing her soft folds beneath. She’s always happy to let me take charge. I follow suit as she sits beside me. “On your hands and knees,” I command the doll. With almost mechanical smoothness he rolls to his belly and pops up onto all fours. Ana opens the box of accessories I’ve placed in front of us. My Daddy has told us everything inside is brand new and ready for use.

Ana leans forward to look inside and catches me off guard when she steals a kiss and blushes. I lean in and kiss her again, properly this time, before returning my attention to the treasure chest at our disposal. Ana fastens a purple dildo on a leather belt around the doll’s forehead and whispers that he looks like a unicorn. My Daddy has put his book aside now and is grinning ear to ear. The toy looks small enough to fit inside my tightness and an idea strikes me. I remove the unicorn horn and place it in the middle of his back instead, securing the harness around his torso.

I surveille my progress. Our doll has been expressionless and silent but I swear I see his eyes widen slightly and I notice Ana has moved behind him. I tilt my head in confusion as she appears to be making a sort of stabbing motion. “It won’t go in,” she pouts at me. As I come around to see what she’s up to, my gaze lands on a butt plug larger than any that has ever gone inside my own body. There is an assortment of smaller ones inside the box as well. “I’ve already got one,” she whispers reading my thoughts. “My Daddy puts one in every morning.” I peek between her legs and see the shimmer of the crystal between her cheeks.

“Does he put it in dry Honey?” my Daddy asks her gently and we both watch realization dawn on her face as she reaches for some lubricant. I swear I hear our doll sigh a tiny breath of relief when the bottle opens with an audible snap. I spank him hard on the bottom just to test the theory but no more sound escapes. I give him a skeptical look eliciting a laugh from my Daddy across the room.

I spread our dolly wide for Ana and she bites her lip in a determined sort of way. I know she’s remembering that we really shouldn’t break him and she isn’t making much progress. I can’t stand the look of disappointment on her face as we change positions. She exposes him to me and I push, steadily just like my Daddy does with my bum, not stabbing at the dolls opening but not relenting either. Slowly, inch by inch, the plug enters the doll until I feel a popping sensation and know it’s firmly inside.

I know from experience that in doll form, no matter how much hurt or pleasure my Daddy gives me, I’m unable to move an inch. The same rules appear to apply to this doll but judging from the appearance of his shaft erect beneath him I suspect he’s feeling more than just discomfort.

Plug firmly in place, I ask Ana to sit with her legs spread wide. This time I surprise her with a kiss, and not on the lips on her face. Backing away and smiling devilishly, I know it’s time for my plan to take action. “Crawl over and kiss Ana right here,” I instruct pointing to the location of my last kiss. The doll doesn’t hesitate as he moves forward and I watch closely as his tongue explores her thoroughly.

Ana’s head rolls back for just a moment, and I enjoy her tiny groan of contentment. “What about you, Fleur?” she asks softly, eyes alight with pleasure. I’m pleased that she hasn’t forgotten me and swing my leg over the doll’s back as if I’m riding a pony. Slowly I sink down onto the dildo still protruding between his shoulder blades and I lock eyes with my Daddy.

He looks back at me with a hunger that tells me I won’t be sleeping much tonight as I begin to rock and grind coating the dolls back in my slick. “Kiss me back please Ana,” I ask her more gently now and she smiles and nods before her soft mouth finds my core.

The doll continues to lick her as she licks and caresses me, and as she lets out little cries her mouth seems to vibrate bringing me closer to release. When she begins to make her little desperate noises that let me know she’s close to coming I begin to lose control myself. “Together,” I say before we both detonate and collapse side by side on the mat.

Breathless she turns to the doll and his straining erection. Ana is more merciful than I and she begins to stroke his shaft. “It looks like you’re milking a cow,” I giggle and she joins me in laughter for only a moment before white fluid does indeed shoot out onto the play mat. “All done Daddy,” I announce beaming up at him.

“Alright Fleur,” he says firmly but looking delighted, “but you need to clean up this room before bath time and dinner.” I sigh thinking of the giant mess, and Ana looks just as sullen before inspiration strikes again and I turn to the doll.

“Dolly,” I command, “remove that plug, clean up this mess, and get back in your box immediately.” I clap my hands in relief as he immediately sets about putting the room to rights and look to my Daddy for approval.

“You’re learning,” he smiles down at me and sweeps me up into his arms. I kiss him firmly on the lips to thank him for this special treat and everyone except the doll heads off towards the bath. It’s my turn to pick out the bubbles.




