CRYPCORE || Exchange of innovations in the future

fery cahyono
4 min readNov 27, 2019


The storm hit the investment market, which we will not return. Crypto investment is a hurricane. Thanks to stringent capital controls made by most countries to control cash flow and collect high taxes, cryptocurrency has been used to cut capital and tax control, which has led to increased demand. Cryptocurrency is able to provide digital alternatives that are easy to use for paper currencies. Offering agreements without the complexity and control of inflation, investors are careful enough to add this currency to their diversified portfolios as assets, because market size does not pose a systemic risk. Cryptocurrency uses cryptography, which provides a very secure process and checking transactions, personalized for each user. As a result, fraudulent and anonymous transactions are not possible.

Stable coins are created to overcome the problem of volatility when the adoption of cryptocurrency faces obstacles in terms of price stability. Since joining the cryptocurrency room, stable coins have worked well, but there are still many improvements to be made. Especially in the cryptocurrency room, coins are collateral. This article discusses the possibility of creating a stable cryptocurrency mortgage that combines pure cryptocurrency exchange, solvency systems and the Cryptonote protocol. Crypcore aims to create crypto assets that implement a solvency system, thereby eliminating drastic price fluctuations, while providing Crypcore growth opportunities. Crypcore is basically a combination of encrypted digital assets guaranteed by a solvency system to ensure price stability.

Problems and solutions

The issuer has too much power: the issuer can effectively issue stable coins from circulation at any time. For example, the Omni protocol from tether can give and revoke tokens that are represented on the blockchain. For Crypcore, this is not possible because it is based on Crypcore technology.

Advantages of issuance: The biggest problem with the most stable coins is that they are issued in the same way as central banks spend money, which makes them vulnerable to over-issuance and inflation. Crypcore will not face this problem because the amount that has not been determined is determined by the logic of the Cryptonote protocol launch and is visible to everyone.

Virtual guarantees are not stable: Virtual guarantees are inherently unstable, so using them to support stable coins is difficult and confusing. At the end of this article, you will see how Crypcore hopes to solve this problem.
Highly regulated: Stable coins set by Fiat are tightly regulated and limited by the old banking system.

Expensive, slow clearing and buying: Clearing stable coins can be slow, because using the most stable coin provider you need to transfer funds to your account, which will incur bank fees. Purchases can also be slow because sometimes you have to do the KYC procedure and send money, sometimes it takes days.

Complex smart contracts: There are problems with understanding cryptographic digital assets such as Maker Dai. For the average daily user, this term might seem complicated. Crypcore will apply a very simple dissolved equation system with easy-to-understand equations and parameters.

How does Crypcore work?

Crypcore is based on Crypcoreecosystem, which is based on cryptocurrency cryptocurrency protocols that are cryptographically and anonymously secure, integrating solvency equations, pure cryptocurrency exchanges and Cryptonote protocols, so that coins have a stable and stable price. Average increase.

For this reason, Crypcore is a stable coin that operates in a fundamentally different way from traditional stable coins, which we call Dynamic Stable Coins (DSC). Crypcore will be guaranteed of the fees charged by the Crypcore exchange, which will be added to the Crypcore coin guarantee, so that it will always increase the guarantee and maintain the stability of the Crypcore price. Crypcore is not a stable token for traditional cryptocurrency, but a new and innovative way to achieve price stability in the cryptocurrency space.

Cryptocurrency protocol

The Cryptonote protocol is an application layer protocol created to solve problems related to the Bitcoin protocol. Cryptonote first appeared in 2012, and a white paper breakthrough was released on October 17, 2013. The most popular coins based on the Cryptonote protocol are Monero (Crypcore from Monero) and bytecoin. Cryptonote is based on the “traceable signature ring” encryption work done by E. Fujisaki and K. Suzuki.

Crypcore wallet

Crypcore aims to be available to non-technical users and will provide wallets for various platforms. There will be desktop wallets, command-line wallets, hardware wallets and web wallets. After completing the development of Web Wallet for Android and iPhone wallets, it will start. The web wallet is currently under development and you can find the screenshot below.

Password exchange

Crypcore exchange will play a very important role in managing the price of Crypcore. To do this, Crypcore Exchange must operate in an unconventional way. A very simple solvency equation will determine the price of crypt. Under normal circumstances, stable coins are issued by large organizations, but the Crypcore exchange will not be able to produce tokens, but will mine all tokens. This is because the privacy and security of our users is very important. In order for Cryps to maintain its value, the initial money supply is mined and held by the Crypcore exchange. Crypts owned by an exchange will not be considered extraordinary.


Q2 2019 — implementation and research of ideas

$ 50,000 for personal financing

Q3 2019 — Architectural Design and White Paper Publication

Q4 2019 — Launch Crypcore Instant Exchange

Launch explorer block

Start trading crypto currencies

Q1 2020 — approve web wallet

Q2 2020 — accept cellphone wallet

That is the information I can give you about CRYPCORE. Hopefully useful and can help you.



Author: han emily
My profile:;u=979957
ETH Address: 0x28772032DF2029aBeC375Fa4cAAd6aEd7540C0Ff

