What’s your fetish: Inflatables

3 min readNov 8, 2017


The Inflatables fetish is a kink by which one becomes aroused by blow-up items such as inflatable pool toys, floats, beachballs, etc.

Instead of looking up a definition, we talked to a few custom porn inflatable enthusiasts individuals about what their ultimate fantasy would be involving inflatables. Here’s what they said:

John|Age 43
I have a fetish for inflatables deflating but especially if it is either accidental or on the water. Particularly involving an air mattress and struggling with the plug while it deflates. This playing with and struggling with the plug is my biggest turn on.

My fantasy would start out with a woman on the bed in the pool, sunning/relaxing in a swimsuit. After a minute or so she takes off the swimsuit and start rubbing herself on the warm bed, commenting how nice it is and that she’s “Never seen anything like this… what do you call it? Air mattress?”

The woman bounces around a bit like she’s never used a float before. Suddenly, she notices the stopper. She leans over.

“What’s this thing on the side?”

She slowly touches and examines it, pulling it halfway out into the extending position. After a bit of struggling she eventually pulls it all the way open and falls on her back.

“Wow that is making such a noise!” She rocks the bed a bit and feels it starting to go flat after a couple of seconds, but not immediately,

“AH! What’s going on with my mattress?”

She stays on the mattress until it sinks completely getting more and more upset/worried that she broke it

“Was it that thing I pulled?

Simon|Age 36

My fetish is beachballs. My ultimate fantasy is a game played in a pool with two teams of two and 50 beach balls in 36" and 24" sizes. Also in the pool are inflatable obstacles like dinosaurs, alligators and bananas.

Round one:
All 24" balls are in the pool. Each team starts on a float of their choice. One team will go for the striped balls, the other team will go for the solid color balls.

On GO, each team paddles over to get a ball of their teams color. Tipping the opponents raft is permitted to gain an advantage. When a ball is acquired, the teams must paddle back to the start point, get out of the pool with their ball and place it in the designated spot. They return to the float and go for another. When one team has all of their all 24" balls, they are declared winner of the round. The remaining 24" balls are left for the finale.

Both teams stab all of the collected balls. Not just popped but also ripped apart.

Round two

All 36" balls are in the pool. Same as previous round but teams collect 36" balls. The remaining 24" balls are left for the finale.

Both teams stab all of the collected balls. Not just popped but also ripped apart.

The winner of the beachball game is declared and crowns are presented.

After all the balls are popped we can go on to the murder round where they stab all of the inflatables and rip them apart.




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