Stephen Few
1 min readMar 22, 2017



You are correct that I consider data visualization a skill set rather than a vocation. You are not correct that my position is conservative. I obviously believe that data visualization is a useful skill set, but I don’t think that data visualization skills alone constitute a vocation. Data visualization skills must be applied to another field of endeavor or study to be useful. It is not accurate to suggest that journalists, consultants, and artists view data visualization alone as a vocation. Some do, but I doubt that most fit into this category. For example, most of the journalists that I know who possess skills in data visualization consider themselves journalists primarily, and consider data visualization as one of the skill sets that enable them to do their work as journalists. Contrary to your claim, no one advocates the exclusive use of bar and line graphs. Also, contrary to your claim, I place a great deal of emphasis on design, engagement, and complexity. I don’t, however, look kindly on ineffective design, frivolous engagement, or unnecessary complexity. If you wish to invite useful discussion, it doesn’t work to misrepresent the views of those whose ideas you oppose.

