Fewcha: #1 Move-based Blockchain Wallet for Aptos & Sui Ecosystem

Fewcha Move Wallet
4 min readNov 27, 2022


Launched in April 2022, Fewcha is the first pure Move-based wallet that support both Aptos and Sui blockchain. Fewcha used Move Smart Contract to develop a non-custodial Web3.0 wallet that maximizes safety and privacy for users.

In this article, we will look into highlights of Move that made Fewcha Wallet the best choice for storing assets with highest level of security.

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What is Move?

Move is an open-source programming language for blockchains and other applications where safety and correctness are paramount. It was originally developed to power the Diem blockchain of Facebook (Meta). Move was designed to maximize safety, without adding the cost of compilation to transactions, while minimizing gas fees as compared to Ethereum.

Why Fewcha adopted Move?

As you may know, Aptos and Sui blockchain have been in the spotlight for adopting Move programming language. And although Move-based projects popping left and right, Fewcha Wallet is proud to say that we’re first pure Move-based wallet that support Move-based blockchains such as Aptos and Sui.

Let’s take a look at the most crucial things about Move that made it Fewcha’s preference:

  • First-Class Resource: Move is born to deal with digital assets. In Move, an asset is a specially defined code — a resource type, which opens up a lot of possibilities in general programming (while in Solidity, assets are not explicitly defined, they are just treated like any other variables). This means that resources in Move enjoy a high level of both security and expressivity.
  • Flexibility: Each object has ownership metadata that allows validators to execute and commit transactions using the object in parallel with causally unrelated transactions. Move’s type system ensures the integrity of this ownership metadata across transaction. Move is best for parallel execution because it allows structured assets to flow freely across contracts.
  • Security: Move treats formulas as fundamental resources that can never be cloned or discarded- only moved. This improves security by preventing re-entry vulnerabilities, poison tokens, and spoofed token approvals.
  • Verifiability: Off-chain static verification tools are supported by Move which will reduce the complexity of on-chain verification. There are 3 design decisions that made Move better than most general-purpose languages: No dynamic dispatch, Limited mutability, Modularity.

Fewcha Wallet

Fewcha Wallet is the first pure Move-based wallet that support both Aptos and Sui blockchain, making us the leading web3 wallet that unlocks a universe of applications in these rising blockchains. We are proud to be one of the first to develop wallets for ecosystems using the Move language, especially Aptos and Sui.

But wait, Fewcha Wallet has way more than that!!

What Fewcha Wallet Is Offering

Elegant UI/UX

Crafted by ex-Gnosis Safe Senior Designer, Fewcha offer an optimal UI/UX with 4 core values:

  • Simplicity: Focusing on simplicity, Fewcha empower users to achieve both usability and also sophistication.
  • Friendliness: Building connection to users, Fewcha ensure that our designs are friendly and compassionate to users’ need.
  • Minimalism: Removing everything that is a distraction, Fewcha make sure Minimalism is the heart of every design and they only have just the fundamental elements.
  • Focus: Staying organized and focused is critical, Fewcha clear away all the distractions and stay focus on original goal.

Performance & Security

Fewcha implemented EBCI Protocol to mitigate the risks of being attacked when receiving non-relevant messages from unverified sources including the external source (other extensions) and internal sources (between components).

In general, any specific task execution time is greatly reduced and benefits the user experience of Fewcha when fetching real-time data like token, NFT, balance, transaction, and more.

More on Fewcha’s EBCI Protocol

Diversity Of Utilities

Native wallet integration with protocol opens direct access to boundless experience for Fewcha Wallet users, from DeFi, Launchpad, DEX to Borrowing/Lending/Swap, Staking, Marketplace and more in the Aptos & Sui ecosystem.

Ecosystem Partnership

Fewcha has onboarded 60+ partners who are the best of the best in each respective field, including:

  • 22+ Integration Partnerships: PancakeSwap, Keystone, Ditto, Kana Labs, Notifi, Celer cBridge, Meeiro, Aptoswap, etc.
  • 4 Media Partners: Aptos Ecosystem, Aptos Insights, Aptos Media, Aptos Insiders.
  • 2 Ambassadors: Phoebe Ifunanya, Paul Priye.

What Fewcha Wallet Is Heading Towards

Wallet For Community and By Community

Fewcha is born in the community, built for the community. We’re all started as wallet users, then become the wallet builders. From the very beginning, we have constantly absorbed feedback to continually improve the product experience and expand the utilities for wallet users. Undoubtedly, Fewcha is now simple, elegant and easy to use, making crypto more accessible and convenient for everyone.

Community Driven Ecosystem

Behind the success of Fewcha in the space, there could only be the strong support from our loyal community. Starting with just 100 followers, our members gradually expanded to 1K, 10K, then 26K+ on Discord & 36K+ on Twitter as it is today. Our community support brings us more power than anything.

Fewcha is building the ecosystem where we can share the results with diamond hands backers. Stay tuned for more, because we’re having big dreams, big plans ahead.

Download Fewcha Wallet

At Fewcha, we build the best for the future, bringing users the top-notch security and protections. To stay updated on our work and never miss a thing, make sure to follow Fewcha on our social media channels.

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Fewcha Move Wallet

We build the wallet for the next the safest and most scalable Layer 1 blockchain — Aptos