Top 5 Product Video Production Services in Singapore

7 min readMar 20, 2024

Are you in search of methods to animate your products and captivate your audience’s attention? In today’s digital era, product videos have emerged as potent assets for businesses to effectively exhibit their offerings. Whether it’s showcasing product functionalities or crafting compelling narratives, a meticulously crafted product video can significantly influence your marketing strategies.

In Singapore, numerous companies specialize in product video production, offering bespoke professional services tailored to your specific requirements. In this article, we will delve into the top five product video production services in Singapore, furnishing invaluable insights into the optimal choices available.

But before exploring into the apex of product video production services in Singapore, let’s first grasp the essence of a product video and its importance in marketing:

What is a Product Video?

A product video is a concise visual presentation that highlights a specific product or service, typically incorporating both imagery and sound to showcase its features, benefits, and applications. Widely utilized in marketing, product videos serve to engage and educate potential customers about the value proposition of a product. They come in various forms, including:

  • Demonstration videos: These portray the product in action, utilizing visual demonstrations to emphasize its features and functionality.
  • Explainer videos: Offering an overview of the product, these videos elucidate its operation, benefits, and reasons for potential use.
  • Testimonial videos: Featuring contented customers sharing their firsthand experiences with the product, these videos offer social proof and foster trust among prospective buyers.

Why Do You Need Product Video?

Product videos are crucial for several reasons:

  • Better Understanding: They show off your product in action, making it easier for customers to see what it does and how it can help them.
  • Increased Sales: Product videos can boost sales by helping customers understand how your product solves their problems or meets their needs.
  • Building Trust: When customers see your product in action and hear from real users, it builds trust and credibility.
  • Grabbing Attention: In today’s fast-paced world, videos catch people’s attention better than just text or images.
  • Easy to Share: You can easily share product videos on your website, social media, or in emails, reaching more potential customers.
  • Fewer Questions: By answering common questions in your videos, you can reduce the number of inquiries and support requests.
  • Long-lasting Impact: Videos continue to inform and attract customers long after they’re made.
  • Essential for Online Sales: With more people shopping online, product videos are essential for driving sales and staying competitive.

Top 5 Picks for Product Video Companies in Singapore

1. fewStones

Positioned as a leading video production company in Singapore, fewStones specializes in providing top-notch video and photography services. They stand out for their ability to create captivating videos that effectively showcase products. Whether it’s through dynamic product demonstrations, informative explainers featuring 2D animation, or cutting-edge prototypes presented in 3D animation, fewStones consistently delivers outstanding results.

Renowned for their reliability and professionalism, fewStones has earned the trust of a diverse clientele, spanning both local and international markets. They are committed to highlighting the best features of products across a broad spectrum of industries, including jewelry, bags & luggage, clothing, toys & children’s items, cosmetics & skincare, electronics & computers, and more.

For inquiries, you can reach fewStones at:

Office Address: 190 Clemenceau Ave, #06–01, Singapore 239924


Phone: +65 6817 1167

2. Bespoke Photography

Bespoke Photography is a photography and videography studio situated in Singapore, focusing on delivering exceptional product videography services. Renowned for their professionalism and tailored approach, they provide businesses with customized solutions to effectively showcase their products through engaging videos.

With a remarkable portfolio that spans across various industries including food, electronics, and beyond, Bespoke Photography excels in capturing intricate details and bringing products to life through motion. Their expertise lies in crafting visually compelling narratives that resonate with audiences, ensuring that every video tells a captivating story.

For inquiries, you can contact Bespoke Photography at:

Office Address: 125 Geylang East Ave 1 Singapore 381125


3. Vivid Snaps

Located in Singapore, Vivid Snaps is a photography and videography company that specializes in delivering professional product video production services tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses. They are dedicated to crafting compelling narratives and delivering high-quality visuals that not only captivate viewers but also drive sales effectively.

With an extensive portfolio spanning diverse industries such as food, lifestyle, and technology, Vivid Snaps excels in various aspects. They have a knack for creating visually enticing content for food products, establishing emotional connections through lifestyle items, and producing informative videos that highlight the features of tech gadgets.

For inquiries, feel free to reach out to Vivid Snaps at:

Office Address: 30 Kallang Place, #07–24, Singapore 339159


4. Next Level

Next Level stands as a dynamic creative agency based in Singapore, renowned for its expertise in crafting innovative and captivating product videos that elevate brands and yield tangible results. Specializing in pushing boundaries, they excel in producing creative product videos that not only captivate audiences but also set brands apart through distinctive and compelling narratives.

Their portfolio boasts a range of impressive accomplishments, including the establishment of emotional connections through brand storytelling, the integration of stunning animations and effects for memorable presentations, and the provision of tailored solutions to fulfill marketing objectives through custom video production.

For inquiries, you can contact Next Level at:

Office Address: 7500A Beach Road, The Plaza, #05–320, Singapore 199591


5. Mount Studio

Mount Studio specializes in delivering professional eCommerce product video services in Singapore, dedicated to empowering businesses to enhance their online presence and increase sales through top-tier videos. Their offerings are tailored towards crafting engaging eCommerce product videos designed to highlight product features, amplify conversion rates, and encourage customer interaction.

Key highlights of Mount Studio’s services include informative product demonstrations that effectively showcase features and functionalities, visually captivating videos optimized for various social media platforms, and authentic customer testimonials aimed at instilling trust among potential buyers.

For inquiries, you can reach Mount Studio at:

Office Address: 45 Jalan Pemimpin #07–04 Singapore 577197


Criteria for Selecting the Best Product Video Production Services in Singapore

  • Production Quality: Evaluate the quality of the company’s previous work based on clear visuals, smooth camera movements, and professional editing techniques. Look for dynamic shots, vibrant colors, and visuals that resonate with your brand’s aesthetics.
  • Client Testimonials and Portfolio: Review client testimonials to gauge the company’s professionalism, creativity, and results. Examine their portfolio to see if they have experience in your industry or with similar products, especially if you’re in the tech sector.
  • Creative Capabilities: Assess the company’s creativity in storytelling, visual effects, and unique concepts. Look for innovative techniques such as animation, motion graphics, or creative storytelling that can captivate your audience and differentiate your brand.
  • Technical Expertise: Check for evidence of the company’s technical proficiency in handling equipment, lighting, sound, and post-production editing. Look for certifications or awards that demonstrate their expertise in videography techniques, especially if you require high-definition videos.
  • Understanding of Your Brand and Audience: Choose a company that demonstrates a deep understanding of your brand identity, values, and target audience. Ensure they can effectively communicate your brand messaging and resonate with your target demographic.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Prioritize companies that communicate effectively and collaborate closely with clients throughout the production process. Look for testimonials praising their responsiveness, professionalism, and ability to bring clients’ visions to life.
  • Cost and Budget: Consider the overall value provided by the company in relation to its pricing. Compare pricing packages and inquire about any additional services included in the cost. Ensure there are no hidden fees and that the pricing aligns with your budget and project requirements.
  • Timeliness and Reliability: Select a company known for delivering projects on time and within agreed-upon deadlines. Inquire about their track record for meeting deadlines and ask for references from past clients who can attest to their reliability and professionalism.

Final Thoughts

In summary, product videos have become indispensable tools in contemporary marketing strategies, enabling businesses to effectively exhibit their products and engage with their desired audience. In Singapore, leading product video production services provide an array of professional solutions customized to cater to the varied requirements of businesses spanning diverse industries. Through the investment in top-tier product videos, businesses can elevate their online presence, distinguish themselves in a competitive landscape, and ultimately realize their marketing goals. Leveraging the expertise and services offered by the foremost product video production services in Singapore, businesses can propel their marketing endeavors to new heights and harness the advantages of compelling and influential product videos.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How long does it typically take to produce a product video?

The timeline for producing a product video can vary based on factors like project complexity, video length, and resource availability. Generally, it may range from a few days to several weeks, encompassing planning, filming, editing, and revisions.

Can I provide input or feedback during the production process?

Yes, most product video production services encourage client input and feedback throughout the process. They involve clients in brainstorming, script development, and review stages to ensure the final product aligns with their vision and goals. Effective communication and collaboration are essential for achieving desired outcomes.

Which is the best product video production service in Singapore to hire?

For the top product video production service in Singapore, consider fewStones. Renowned for crafting compelling videos across various industries, they prioritize professionalism, attention to detail, and client satisfaction. Whether through product demonstrations, animation, or storytelling, fewStones consistently delivers exceptional results, making them the preferred choice for businesses seeking captivating product videos.




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