Interview| COO of FEX Exchange GT: I’m confident we can become the leading exchange

4 min readNov 1, 2019


With the coming of the second anniversary for FEX Exchange, we interviewed the founding team for FEX Exchange.

After knowing the ambitions of FEX Exchange from our previous talk with the CEO Roland ( Link:FEX CEO Roland:Blockchain Technology Will Wipe Out Half of employees in Traditional Financial Sector), it’s honored to welcome our next interviewee, COO of FEX Exchange GT. Hope we could know more about FEX Exchange.

Interview Content:

Interviewer : Hello, GT,could you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?

GT: OK. Thank you! My academic background is similar to that of Roland, studyed in UK for both post-graduate and undergraduate, majored on finance and project management. Then I worked in fund services sector at HSBC where I met Roland. I responsed for global TP/AP funds, China sovereign wealth funds, QDII, QFII, HongKong MPF funds and so on. After that, I engaged several digitalization and intellectualization upgrading projects for traditional industry and companies, Internet of Things in particular, which broaden my views about the application vision of digitization and Intelligence in the solid businesses. Meanwhile, I keep following those leading techs and tools and considering if they could be applied into real industry efficiently.

Interviewer : What incentives or points bring you to Blockchain and to FEX exchange?

GT: Actually, I have been paying close attention to the development of Bitcoin since its white paper just came out. And because of Bitcoin I learned about Blockchain, which makes me keep thinking of new situations where blockchain could be implemented with different industries. One day, my friend consulted me on Blockchain, when it dawned on me that Blockchain would definitely grow in China with an astonishing speed because Chinese people were embracing new and advanced ideas and techs which could bring huge convenience and productiveness with enthusiasm. Before long, I threw myself into this pool and have been swum in it. On a meeting , I met Roland again by accident and found that we all are drawn to this industry. Roland and I were of the same mind on many industrial issues, so we decided to do some things together.

Interviewer: What’s the competitiveness of FEX exchange in your opinion?

GT: Speedy, Safe and Specialized, that’s our enterprise vision and our goals as well . We set high priorities to speed and safety cause we used to work in conservative financial industry and know the importance of these two factors to a financial sector. Besides,we’re devoting ourselves to improve and refine products and services constantly and have the confidence to become one of the leading exchanges worldwide.

Interviewer: What’s your marketing position and differentiation?

GT: We are used to focusing on overseas projects and users and thus spent less efforts on domestic promotion. We also work hard to create a professional trading platform for our users which could switch smoothly between traditional finance and blockchain finance. At present, our user coverage, loyalty and engagement are the biggest advantage between us and other exchanges. Unlike most exchanges, FEX Exchange did not choose some high-risk projects in order to grab some one-time traffics. Instead, the projects currently selected by FEX Exchange are those with highly practical meaning which focus on project development and have high user loyalty.

Interviewer: What did FEX exchange do in this year’s fierce exchange battle?

GT: We have been forging ahead, taking an unusual path that we didn’t focus on the domestic market and positioned in the international market. This positioning also runs through our layout, that FEX Exchange has been looking for high-quality international projects and bringing them to China. In addition to providing them with a trading platform, FEX also provides one-stop incubation, publicity and promotion for these projects, so as to become a bridge for international projects to enter China. So in this year’s fierce exchange dispute, FEX exchange has not been greatly affected. Our layout, on the one hand, slows us down a little bit, on the other hand, allows us leading other exchanges in the subdivision field.

Interviewer: What’s your next move?

GT: To welcome the second anniversary , we will launch three major products to enrich our exchange, OTC, Staking and Future. At that time, we will provide the largest bonus for platform users. As for the details, it’s a secret now.

Interviewer: What’s your opinion about the policy on Block Chain issued by Chinese government on 25th Oct.

GT: My first reaction to this news was that Blockchain projects would no longer be misunderstood. Of course, it also brought troubles to some parties, because regulation is bound to follow this policy. At present, blockchain projects in China are still in a chaotic scene, lots of scam projects to deceive domestic investors who are relatively inexperienced in distinguish these projects. Therefore, it is a good thing for China to vigorously develop blockchain projects this time because it can deter those scammers and also help professional practitioners who are making contributions to blockchain industry.

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