
1 min readJun 3, 2023


🧛🏻’ It was heard from all corners of the mouths of the people who were talking about vampires who were roaming in a city where they lived “vampire often roams around at night, that’s why don’t go out at night especially in the middle of the night. Vampires are after you” all souls who hear about the notification given by the government, make many people who are afraid of everything being talked about become real. Another thing happened to a man who hid his true identity among the people who were afraid of a vampire biting his neck and sucking his blood, with all the power that was in him. He can hide the true identity that resides in his soul, he has a lot of food that should be eaten. So there’s no need to bother to sneak around looking for other prey, he incarnates as an idol in the real world just for closure so nothing happens to him.

