In Search of Marvels: Can We Recreate Insect Vision with Modern Sensors and Deep Learning?

Delving into the astounding visual systems of dragonflies and mantis shrimp to seek understanding and inspiration. How can we harness the power of analog sensors and computer vision to emulate these natural wonders?

Jay Asa
4 min readJun 15, 2023

Nature is replete with engineering marvels, and often, the most astounding mechanisms have evolved in the most unassuming creatures. Take, for instance, the dragonfly’s masterful motion detection or the mantis shrimp’s spectral kaleidoscope vision. These insects have visual systems that far outstrip the most advanced cameras and sensors in certain aspects. As we stand at the intersection of biology and technology, an inevitable question arises: Can we recreate insect vision using modern analog sensors and computer vision techniques?

Dragonflies: Sky Masters with a Panoramic View

Dragonflies are aerial virtuosos. Their mastery in flight and hunting is attributed, in part, to their panoramic vision.

A Mosaic of Lenses

Dragonflies have compound eyes, with each eye consisting of up to 30,000 ommatidia or miniature lenses. These lenses work in tandem to create a mosaic representation of the world, and the dragonfly’s almost spherical eyes provide an astounding 360-degree field of view.

Data Augmentation can be used to synthetically expand the training dataset by creating transformed versions of images, which can help in recognizing objects from different angles and viewpoints, somewhat mimicking the dragonfly’s wide field of view.

Seeking Inspiration: Expanding the Visual Field

How can we take inspiration from dragonflies to improve camera technologies and computer vision algorithms? One approach could be developing camera systems with multiple lenses arranged to mimic the ommatidia, capturing wider scenes. Deep learning algorithms could then piece together these images, providing panoramic views that are invaluable in applications like autonomous drones and surveillance systems.

Depthwise Separable Convolutions might be employed to capture spatial information across different channels separately. This could be analogous to how each ommatidium in the dragonfly’s eye processes a small part of the scene.

Attention Mechanisms could be utilized to focus on different parts of an image selectively, similar to how the dragonfly can concentrate on various aspects of its wide field of view.

Mantis Shrimp: The Spectral Decipherers

The mantis shrimp is a creature of color. Its eyes can perceive an incredible range of the spectrum, including ultraviolet light, and detect polarized light.

A Cascade of Photoreceptors

Mantis shrimp have 12–16 photoreceptor types, and their eyes can move independently to focus on different regions. This grants them an unparalleled ability to discriminate colors and perceive polarized light patterns.

Dilated Convolutions might be useful in capturing information across larger receptive fields without losing resolution, somewhat akin to how mantis shrimp’s eyes capture a wide range of wavelengths.

Beyond the Spectrum: Extending Sensory Capabilities

Can we build sensors that emulate the mantis shrimp’s spectral capabilities? This could involve developing multichannel sensors capable of detecting a wide range of wavelengths. Combined with deep learning algorithms trained to analyze this data, such sensors could revolutionize fields like medical imaging, remote sensing, and material analysis.

Batch Normalization can be employed to stabilize and accelerate training, which might be essential when dealing with multichannel data akin to the mantis shrimp’s array of photoreceptors.

Autoencoders can be used for feature learning, especially in unsupervised settings. When dealing with the complex sensory input similar to that of the mantis shrimp, autoencoders can help in learning meaningful representations.

Bridging the Gap: Analog Sensors and Deep Learning

As we look to nature for inspiration, the challenge lies in bridging the gap between the biological complexities and technological implementations. Through advancements in analog sensors that mimic the physical attributes of insect eyes, combined with sophisticated deep learning algorithms, we can strive to achieve a synthesis that brings us closer to the marvels of nature.

Transfer Learning is particularly crucial in applying knowledge from one domain to another. For example, applying insights gained from studying insect vision to improve computer vision algorithms.

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) can be used for generating new data that is similar to the training data. This can be particularly useful for simulating various visual scenarios for training vision systems.

Skip Connections / Residual Blocks help in training deeper networks by allowing gradients to flow through the network more easily. This is particularly important when trying to capture complex features and representations akin to the natural systems.

Insect eyes are not just marvels of biology; they are blueprints, challenges thrown by nature for us to decipher. By studying these systems and continuously innovating, we take a step closer to not just understanding these marvels but also harnessing them for technological advancements that could redefine what’s possible.



Jay Asa

Writing assisted by AI, proof-read and edited over time. Opinions are my own.