Fiancia Coin
4 min readFeb 10, 2018

Fiancia Is Offering Dedicated Crypto News TV Channel…

By John Akwei, Data Scientist — Fiancia Limited UK,


The dramatic valuation increase of the first blockchain digital asset, Bitcoin, has lead to the proliferation of alternate distributed ledger currencies and new corporate funding methods, (for example, ICOs). With the rapidly increasing availability of Crypto-financial instruments, resources for managing the diverse array of digital assets have also rapidly multiplied.

The authoring of new Cryptocurrencies have generated a hierarchical structure of support resources. With Cryptocurrencies as the base layer, the next overlaid layer and the beginning of the support structure is Cryptocurrency Storage Services. The next layer is Cryptocurrency Exchanges, providing Cryptocurrency exchange pairs and internal storage. Then, Cryptocurrency Trading Platforms, providing charting/analysis of individual Cryptocurrencies. At the beginning of the information-based layers of Cryptocurrency support, is the Cryptocurrency data tracking services, providing lists of Cryptocurrencies and relevant statistics.

Above the Cryptocurrency Data Tracking Services are internet-based Cryptocurrency News Publications, providing notification and analysis of new developments. Above this layer is the Cryptocurrency News Aggregation Services, allowing individual analysis and curation. In parallel to this structure of resources, similar resources for managing the advent of ICOs also exist. Expected near future developments include dedicated Cryptocurrency podcasts, and the emergence of popular commentaries on blockchain economics via internet blogs and video social media posting.

It is expected that hybrid services will also emerge, and gain in influence. For example, the Social Copy Trading platform in development by Fiancia Limited UK, at Fiancia Ltd. also recognizes that increasing popularity of Cryptocurrency Trading and Utilization will require the migration of Crypto-Economics dedicated news services to the realm of television broadcasting and live streaming.

Need For A Dedicated Cryptocurrency Channel

A dedicated Cryptocurrency News Channel is logically needed as an information source for individuals to make educated decisions regarding Crypto-financial investments and utilization. Bitcoin is situated to replicate the success of IBM, General Motors, Ford, and Apple. The Altcoins, derived from Bitcoin, will eventually evolve into niche markets. Determining the possible successfulness of these new technologies will require diverse expertise. Cryptocurrency Trading and Utilization will eventually involve 10s of millions to 100s of millions of individuals around the World. Sources of information on the emergence of the Crypto-Finance World should preferably support reliability, easy accessibility and inexpensiveness. Therefore, availability of news about Cryptocurrencies via an optimally accessible source like modern internet-enabled televisions will gain traction in the same manner as with all previous technological trends.

The limitations of media posting to the internet to inform the local populations around the World, include unreliability of the information sources and lack of authenticity. A vast majority of persons rely on television channels for an authoritative source of information. Monitoring of dedicated news channels is universally a popular method of staying informed about Business Sector developments.

Almost all households in developed nations have televisions. Television users now access television content via diverse mediums including analog and digital television, cable, satellite, live streaming, and ground-based transmission. The proliferation of televisions is steadily increasing throughout the World. With the increasing popularity of Cryptocurrencies, a proprietary Cryptocurrency TV channel is needed for effective information dissemination. Eventually, an easily accessible news source dedicated to Cryptocurrency could determine the Cryptocurrency efforts that emerge as the most prominent endeavors.

Fiancia Limited UK’s Cryptocurrency TV Initiative

Fiancia Limited has the objective of launching a proprietary TV channel dedicated to keeping viewers updated with Cryptocurrency news, broadcasts, blockchain technology, breaking news, debates by Cryptocurrency market leaders, and financial data on all Cryptocurrency pairs 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. Fiancia Ltd’s goal is to achieve live streaming on all the broadcast satellite networks and devices.

Fiancia plans to provide non-stop updates and news about different Cryptographic coins through hourly news bulletin, breaking news, and news tickers. Air time to clients who would want to promote their own products and service through Fiancia’s Cryptocurrency Channel will be provided, as well as forums for discussion of various Crypto-Economic topics.

The prospective viewers of Fiancia’s Cryptocurrency Channel include the present and future user base of Cryptocurrencies. This user base already exists everywhere in the World, in 2018, as well as many programmers, lawyers, economists, and businessmen that are able to articulate important information about Cryptocurrency. Fiancia plans to provide a forum for Cryptocurrency brokers, financial institutions, professionals, and innovators to express their opinions.

Fiancia plans to provide a platform for new Cryptocurrency developers and investors to create awareness about their products. The major revenue sources are expected to be the advertising campaigns of Crypto-Brokerages and Cryptocurrency Wallet Services providers, and other paid content presenting new opportunities relating to Cryptocurrency


Various established business television services are beginning to discuss Crypto-Economics in the form of having businesspersons, programmers and investors talk about trends and the future of Cryptocurrencies. At this time, the discussion topics are not keeping pace with the rapid developments in Cryptocurrency technology, or the variety of Cryptocurrency development efforts. The World’s population is also in need of information about the state of acceptance of Cryptocurrencies by the World’s local governments. The development of a Cryptocurrency television channel will help to disseminate the opportunities available to the World’s population via the new era of Crypto-Finances.

Fiancia Coin

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