FIAT — A Real World Currency

2 min readFeb 17, 2023


$Fiat aims to be used as a real-world currency instead of a “store of value.” Taking crypto back to the basics and using it how it was originally intended, as currency.

It’s meant to be an equal playing field for everyone, allowing anyone to purchase goods or services with $FIAT no matter if you are in the Unites States or in a third world country.

Fiat is powered entirely by blockchain technology, so all transfers and transactions are both private and secure. This is essential since it allows for trustless digital contract & payments. The Fiat platform will also be open-source and allow anyone to participate on it. This ensures that the platform stays transparent, fast, & secure for users everywhere

We know that the single biggest issue people face when buying goods & services internationally is getting access to their funds in a timely manner. That’s why we have launched an innovative Instant Media Transfer (IMT) system within the platform which allows users to receive their funds in seconds while avoiding complicated fees and lengthy waits. Users can even transfer FIAT directly between different countries!

By using FIAT we hope to bridge divides between nations, spread commerce opportunities more broadly around the world and provide millions of people financial freedom they may not have been able to experience before.

Our vision is to revolutionize global finance by providing real-world instant transactions via Blockchain technology and making fiat currency available across international boundaries. Only by eliminating unnecessary restrictions related currency exchange and trading can this goal be achieved!

CA: T.B.A.
Supply: 1,000,000,000 (1 billion)
Tax: 5% (used for marketing & development)





A Traditional take on Crypto-Currency.