Tips from jumbo bag manufacturer company on how to handle FIBC properly

Fibc Big Bags
2 min readJul 28, 2022


Are you handling an FIBC bag for the first time? You might have heard a lot about its benefits. You might have heard that it is a sustainable solution that offers a completely eco-friendly packaging option. However, these are a few more instructions shared by a reputed FIBC jumbo bag manufacturer company regarding the manner in which you must use these bags for getting the most out of them. So, start reading and update yourself.


· Select the right one

The first criterion is to select the right bag that will complement your needs. Every FIBC bag comes with a load bearing capacity which every FIBC jumbo bag manufacturer company refers to as Safe Working Load (SWL).

Calculate the approximate weight that your bag will be carrying and then select the perfect bag that will suit your purpose. If you select an FIBC with a lower SWL as compared to the load of the goods you will put inside it then the chances of functional flaws will be aggravated.

Secondly, while some FIBCs come with two loops, some other variants come with four loops. You have to select the right bag based on the loop too that will be able accommodate your goods properly.

· Fill properly

The manner in which you will fill the FIBC bag also determines its functionality. As a renowned FIBC jumbo bag manufacturer company in the town suggests, you must not overfill your jumbo bag. You should not underfill your bag too.

When you overfill the bag, you increase the chances of its collapse. You will also feel that the bag is vulnerable when you load or unload the FIBC bag during transportation.

Similarly, when you underfill the FIBC bag, it will not sit firmly when you stack it in the storehouse or in the carriage meant for its transportation.

· Choose right place

The place which you will choose for filling up or emptying your bulk bag is also an important factor.

As the FIBC jumbo bag manufacturer company remarks, if you choose a damp and soggy place for emptying the bag containing agricultural products then the chances of contamination will multiply.

The reason is not the FIBC bag, but the selection of the place here because the bag is specifically designed with proper aeration to prevent material stored inside it from getting damp.

Similarly, if you have used a specialized FIBC bag for transporting flammable products then emptying the materials in a highly reactive place can be lethal. So, be careful about the place.

