What are the different types of special customised bag

Fibc Big Bags
2 min readNov 3, 2022


Bulk packaging is most challenging because you need to find a bag that will accommodate weight properly, will never bulge out and at the same time offer the perfect packaging solution for the type of products that you are planning to store inside it. Basically, you need a special customised bag that will meet your purpose appropriately.

Special customised bag

Is it really possible? Can bulk bags retain the freshness of products packed inside them? Can these bags be suitable for carrying inflammable powders too? Well, one word for all these queries is ‘yes.’ Here are few more information about FIBC bags that will come in handy for you. Watch out!

Q. Is there a special customised bag for perishable products?

The Type 1 FIBC bags are ideal for carrying perishable products. However, the Type 2 varieties are also used at times for the purpose. The specific feature of these bags is that their weaves allow passage of air through them. This prevents the formation of any sort of dampness inside these bags. As a result, the things stored inside them remain fresh and immune against decaying due to exposure to dampness.

Thus, when these bags are used for storing fresh fruits and vegetables, the freshness of these products remain intact. Similarly, when constructional materials such as cement or clay are transported using these special customised bags, these products do not become soggy due to dampness.

Q. Can these special customised bags be used for carrying semi solid or semi liquid products too?

The special customised bag that are meant for carrying semi solid or semi liquid products come with a special lining inside them which prevents their seepage through the network of yards used for constructing these bags. Hence, there is no material loss when you pack semi liquid or semi-solid products inside these bags and transport them to any location.

Q. Can a special customised bag be used for carrying highly reactive chemicals?

The Type 2 and Type 3 special customised bag is specially manufactured to carry flammable and reactive chemicals. The FIBC bag manufacturers use reactive materials for developing the yarn used for weaving these bags. This gives them anti-static properties which in turn make them immune against any sort of combustion during loading or unloading.

However, each of these ant static bags comes with specific conditions for withstanding any sort of combustion. For instance, the Type 3 bags are idea for conditions where the minimum ignition temperature is less than 1,000mJ. But if they are loaded or unloaded beyond this temperature, these bags will explode. So, these precautions are to be followed while loading and unloading the Type 3 and Type 4 special customised bag.

