Exciting New Research Released at Fiber Connect 2018

Fiber Broadband Association
2 min readJun 6, 2018


The Fiber Broadband Association and RVA, LLC released new research yesterday showing that fiber has become the second-most popular broadband access technology in the United States! It’s a certifiable fiber boom, with providers marketing to a record 4.4 million new homes in 2017, up from the previous peak of 4.2 million new homes marketed in 2008.

Fiber surpassed dial up broadband back in 2011, satellite in 2013, and has now overtaken DSL in popularity this year. Stay sharp, cable: you’re next!

These popularity gains can be attributed to the hard work deployers have been putting in to raise awareness of the benefits of fiber broadband, as well as 19 percent of consumers upgrading their broadband when they move.

“Today’s findings underscore what we have known for years: fiber is the future for our networks and our economy,” said Fiber Broadband Association President and CEO Heather Burnett Gold in a press release yesterday. “With fiber deployment rates at record levels in the United States and throughout North America, the pace of connectivity and innovation will only accelerate, paving the way for truly smart cities and new wireless technologies like 5G.”

“We’re seeing the maturity of a technology that first entered the scene just a few decades ago, and the industry has even more room to grow,” said Mike Render. “Fiber keeps moving into all endpoints — the home, the business, the data center, the small cell site — and it shows no sign of stopping.”



Fiber Broadband Association

A non-profit association dedicated to all fiber broadband networks — fiber to the home, to the business, to everywhere.