Fortress Beta Test Schedule

3 min readSep 28, 2018


Dates: 2018.10.15 (Monday) ~2018.10.19 (Friday)
Duration: Five Days

Two Beta Test Categories:

1. The orders are actually sent to exchanges, and testers need to deposit FID and BTC to make trades.

2. Only mock trades within the program, but no deposit is necessary.

*The only difference between the two in the program is whether or not the trades are actually going to the exchanges or not. The experience will be almost identical.

Details for Test Type 1

1) FID — Needs to deposit 1,000 FID to participate.

This is to make sure we give the opportunity to FID holders. It will be returned after the testing period ends.

2) Testers can only deposit, and trade up to USD $100 equivalent (based on the exchange rate on October 15th, the first day of testing).

Considering the current cryptocurrency market, and there not being much price differences and arbitrage opportunity amongst the exchanges, the profit from arbitrage trading is very minimal, and may even result in a loss, when calculating the exchanges’ fees into the calculation right now.

While Fortress is currently capable of putting orders to different exchanges, there is a high chance of the trades actually resulting in a loss (while minuscule), which is why we can’t just open it up to everyone in good conscience.

Nevertheless, we do acknowledge there are those who wish to make real trades and test it out themselves. So we will be accepting about ten testers to make real trades via Fortress for about USD $100.

If a tester can turn a profit, he or she may take all of the profit.

However, we, Fidelium, are not responsible for any loss incurred via trading.

Details for Test Type 2

Only mock trades via Fortress

1. No FID or BTC deposits required.

2. Testers will be given virtual FID and BTC to test out various functions of Fortress.

Number of Testers

Type 1 Beta Test — 10 persons, and

Type 2 Beta Test — 100 persons.

Applying for beta test

If selected, we will send further instruction as to how to install and use the program.

Beta Test Bug Bounty Program

  1. We will be awarding FID’s as a token of our appreciation for participating in the bounty program.
  2. First, 1,000 FID will be given out to all the beta test participants.
  3. You can receive additional FID if you send in an error or bug report, along with a screenshot and description, to for during the testing period.
  4. We will review and determine the severity/importance of the issue and reward additional FID accordingly.
    Top Level — 7,000 FID
    2nd Level — 5,000 FID
    3rd Level — 4,000 FID
    4th Level — 3,000 FID
    5th Level — 1,000 FID
  5. The bounty participation information will be available at for everyone to keep track.

Additional Information

Below is a tentative level description table for the Fortress.

The numbers will definitely change when it goes live, but this is what it will look like.

Thank you, and we are looking forward to the beta test!




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