March Conferences

2 min readFeb 22, 2018


March will a busy month for fidentiaX as the team works on delivering the prototype as well as attend leading industry events around the region.

Industry events are important for fidentiaX as we get to speak with regulators to understand the different laws in their country. And also the opportunity to speak with potential partners who will be strategic in entering new markets.

Our last conference in Jakarta, Indonesia was a huge success! fidentiaX met with a potential partner and we are now in serious discussions on a partnership. Our potential partner is a leading brokerage firm in Indonesia! With this partnership, our fidentiaX platform will potentially be exposed to Indonesia’s billion dollar industry and millions of members when our marketplace is finally launched! We will keep the community updated as this progress.

Speaking Events for Alvin Ang, CEO & Co-Founder of fidentiaX

6–7 March 2018
2nd Myanmar Insurance Summit. Yangon, Myanmar
The two-day Summit, supported by the Ministry of Finance of Myanmar and Myanma Insurance, will be a key platform to bring together leading experts and industry leaders. This conference will explore the potential Myanmar has to offer and understand the regulations, licensing and legal structures to launch business and tap the great potential in a new insurance market in Asia’s last frontier.

13–14 March 2018
6th Asia Insurance Brokers’ Summit. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The Summit will look at cutting-edge strategies in the insurance business and highlight the areas where brokers can rise to reinforce their role in the value chain of insurance as valued partners to both insurers and risk managers and corporate clients in the dynamic risk landscape. Top Brokerage firms from around the region will gather at this event.

20–21 March 2018
Platinum Sponsor at Token2049
Largest Digital Asset Event in Asia
Top crypto projects, leading digital asset funds as well as CEOs of Cryptocurrency exchanges will be at this event. As a platinum sponsor, we will have a booth space to reach out to the top people in the crypto industry to get potential new investors and be listed on more crypto exchanges!




Building the World’s First Marketplace for tradable insurance policies powered by blockchain technology.