fidentiaX’s Marketplace: Development Update 12th March

2 min readMar 12, 2018


It has been slightly less than 5 months since we shared fidentiaX’s vision of building the World’s 1st Marketplace for Tradable Insurance Policies powered by Blockchain Technology. With the support of our community, we successfully raised funds for the project through our Crowd Token Contribution (CTC aka ICO) in Dec 2017.

The team has since been working hard to increase awareness of our project through the participation of various Insurance Industry conferences in the region and increasing bench strength by attracting like-minded talents to join us.

We would like to share with the community on our marketplace development journey over the last 3 months.

Discovery Workshops

We kicked off the development process with a couple of workshops with Uncharted Partners and Blockchain Zoo focusing on Business Discovery (Opportunity Statement, Objectives/Outcome, Target Group Segmentation, Value propositions etc) and Product Discovery (Storyboarding, Wireframes, Technology architecture, MVP Strategy, etc). Key user’s journeys were defined during the workshop to serve as a guide for the UI/UX development.

Output from Business and Product Discovery Workshops


Based on the output from the discovery workshops, the team began designing the user journeys focusing on delivering an intuitive user experience akin to shopping on other e-commerce sites. The various journeys went through many iterations after gathering feedback from various stakeholders including the Executive Team from iXledger who provided us with the valuable inputs.

Ui/UX Wireframes
iXledger Executive Team giving feedback on the wireframes
UI/UX finalised look and feel


Amalgamating the results from the workshops, user’s journeys and UX/UI planning and keeping the key business objectives in mind, the team embarked on putting everything together into a prototype which enables different users to test the workflow and provide feedback to enhance the experience of the marketplace.

We will be gathering feedback from different user groups over the next couple of weeks to fine-tune the process and proceed to the next stage of the development.

The team is preparing a showcase for the prototype which we will share with the community very soon! Please stay tuned!




Building the World’s First Marketplace for tradable insurance policies powered by blockchain technology.