How Blockchain Technology Can Benefit Insurance Policyholders and Buyers

4 min readDec 29, 2017


Blockchain technology first appeared in 2008 when a pseudonymous developer named Satoshi Nakamoto published a whitepaper titled ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System’ in which he detailed how financial transactions can be conducted using an online peer-to-peer network without the need for financial intermediaries. In January 2009, the idea set out in the whitepaper became a reality, the blockchain was brought to life and the first bitcoin transaction was conducted.

The blockchain is a distributed digital ledger that records data in a list of blocks that are linked and secured through the use of cryptography. Through the decentralized nature of the blockchain network and its use of advanced cryptography, data that is recorded, stored and transferred on the blockchain cannot be tampered with, destroyed or reversed. This is why the bitcoin network is one of the most secure financial payment networks in the world.

Due to the blockchain’s open-source nature, however, the technology can also be augmented so that it can be used for a much broader range of use cases beyond purely processing financial transactions.

Blockchain technology can be used to create immutable digital identities, securely store sensitive business data, record proof of asset ownership, store healthcare records, and to digitize documents just to name a few. Major industries that are currently implementing blockchain solutions include banking, trade finance, cybersecurity, cloud computing, real estate, healthcare, and the charitable giving sector. One area that is yet to experience blockchain disruption, however, is the life insurance sector.

This is what fidentiaX is aiming to change.

Tradable Life Insurance Policies and the Blockchain

fidentiaX is a Singapore-based fintech startup that aims to leverage blockchain technology to disrupt the life insurance sector by building the world’s first marketplace for tradable life insurance policies.

Tradable life insurance policies are insurance policies that can be sold to third-party buyers and can include endowment, whole life, universal life, and investment-linked, among others.

Interestingly, most life insurance policyholders are not aware that their policies may be sold onto third-party buyers in the tradable insurance policy market. In the case that a life insurance policyholder no longer requires his or her policy, they would normally surrender their policy back to the insurer they bought it from in exchange for the policy’s cash value.

Currently, the market for tradable life insurance policies is complex, difficult to access and involves several intermediates. Through the implementation of blockchain technology in this space, however, all that can be changed.

fidentiaX aims to build a marketplace that uses the blockchain to tokenize life insurance policies so that they can become easily tradable financial products that anyone can buy to hold in their investment portfolio. The tokenization process will involve thorough due diligence on all life insurance policy documents before digitizing them and recording them onto the marketplace’s distributed ledger. This will also allow policyholders to have an immutable record of their policies, receive premium payment alerts, and have easy access to their coverage summary. A multi-signature access to the policy for beneficiaries and trustees will also be available on the platform in the case of a mortality event of the policyholder.

Furthermore, by building a marketplace on top of the blockchain, buyers and sellers can transact in a transparent, secure and trustless manner as all actions are recorded on the blockchain for all involved permitted participants to view and audit. This also alleviates the need for intermediaries, which particularly play a role when to comes to mortality events and the subsequent processing of a life insurance payout.

Moreover, through a blockchain-based marketplace, payouts as well as premium payments can be conducted directly between the involved parties at a lower cost and at a much higher speed than with the current status quo of the industry.

Insurance policyholders can benefit greatly from fidentiaX’s blockchain-based insurance policy platform as it makes the entire process of managing one’s insurance policy much easier and, above all, provides a liquid alternative to surrendering one’s policy in case it is no longer needed.

Insurance policy buyers, on the other hand, also play a big role in this new blockchain-powered approach to the tradable insurance policy market. For buyers, it has so far been difficult to access a market that provides stable diversified returns with low correlation to traditional asset classes. The current tradable insurance market is paper document-heavy, creates a challenge in sourcing tradable policies, is highly illiquid, and suffers from not having an easy-to-access marketplace where all market participants can come together.

This is why fidentiaX will be very welcomed among those who are looking to diversify their portfolios with tradable life insurance policies. By building the world’s first tradable life insurance policy market on top of blockchain technology, buyers gain access to a listing of tradable policies and can easily find other buyers and sellers willing to transact with them. Furthermore, through the transparent and immutable aspect of the platform’s underlying technology, trading can be conducted in a secure, trustless and easily auditable environment.

fidentiaX and the Nxt Blockchain

fidentiaX has decided to build its platform as a heavily customized version of the Nxt blockchain in partnership with blockchain development company Blockchain Zoo.

The Nxt blockchain is an open source distributed ledger platform that has been built on the functionalities of early pioneering cryptocurrencies. The Nxt network has a wide range of core features such as a decentralized asset exchange, a voting system, a marketplace, and a native digital currency. However, applications of the Nxt blockchain go beyond these functionalities and include secure messaging, account control, data storage in the cloud, monetary systems, and more.

Many of these functionalities will be adopted by the fidentiaX blockchain platform to provide a wide-reaching marketplace that caters to all participants of the tradable life insurance policies market.

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Building the World’s First Marketplace for tradable insurance policies powered by blockchain technology.