10 Reasons Why It’s Gonna Be a Great Day Here

Cara Fidler
2 min readMay 2, 2024

Picture courtesy of Pinterest

1. I have my cup of joe and hazelnut coffee creamer to start my day off, in front of my laptop. It’s a new day. It’s still dark outside, but I love the peace and quiet of the early morning hours.

2. I have a roof over my head and a comfortable crib in which to dwell. I decorated it myself and it is full of things I love and care about.

3. I have a fridge full of good, nutritious food: juicy vine ripened tomatoes, green peas, salmon, chicken, salad fixings, mushrooms, shredded cheddar cheese, basil and extra virgin olive oil. I even have some spicy shrimp. It’s gonna be a good day here.

4. I am retired but have enough income to provide for myself and a little left over for a rainy day.

5. I have a nice wardrobe of comfortable clothes in all colors of the rainbow. I have some cool colored sandals and all colors of nailpolish to do my own mani-pedi.

6. I have an economical, gas-friendly car to drive around in and to keep myself mobile. I really like it.

7. I have a great view from my 8th floor apartment with plenty of cobalt blue sky, gorgeous sunsets, lots of trees and birds, too.

8. I have a cool red bike to ride around the neighborhood on and get some fresh…

