
Henry Damian Fierro
3 min readJul 28, 2016

Being joyful is not always the easiest thing ever. Life is always turning against you and you lose things or people who meant a lot to you. I’ve showed you how to be Helpful and Forgiving and believe it or not being a Helpful and Forgiving person can turn being Joyful one of the most easiest things ever.

For someone to be a joyful person it takes time and sometimes people tend to give up when it gets hard. Being a Helpful person can really help you be joyful, let me explain why. As a normal human being we need to feel proud of ourselves. We are always looking around at other people wondering why we can’t be like them. They always seem happy and seem have no troubles at all. Well try this, when you go to your local supermarket try to help someone who is in need. Weather they need help taking grocery out to their car or getting something from a tall shelf. But don’t just help people there help people wherever it is that you go. While doing this you are not just making God be happy with you but you are also building up self trust. Yes, self trust becouse you see that people smile becouse of you. You see that people can go to you for help and you start to think differently about who you are. Being happy with who you are give you the self trust that will lead to having a Joyful mind. You get joy when you help people in need and even more joy when you see that God and yourself are glad at the person you are turning in to.

Being a forgiving person leads to the power of having a joyful mind. When we don’t forgive someone we have hate against them. Usually that hate gets bigger and bigger each day and usually you see that one person at work or at school which makes it even worse. By forgiving that one person you free yourself from any hate that you may have stuck in your head. Hate can really bring a person down it creates a wall dividing you from your joyful self.

I’ll give you a prayer and I want you to say it with faith that the lord will help you be a joyful person. “Dear lord I am here today to ask you for help. I’m tired of not being a joyful person who can see the world with happy eyes. Lord I ask that you hold my hand and that you help me be a more joyful person. It is not easy for me lord but I beg for your help.”

Try being that one joyful person the lord meant you to be. Tell me how you feel afterwards.

Written and Edited By Henry D. Fierro


Helpful | Forgiving | Joyful

We Write For You.



Henry Damian Fierro

I am 14 years old I dedicate myself to bringing people closer to God. Let the lord be with you wherever it is that you go.