Exploring Swift and Kotlin’s Dynamic Aspects (Statically Typed vs Dynamically Typed Languages)

4 min readAug 6, 2023


Before we continue, let’s clarify some terms. In programming, a data type describes what kind of value a piece of information holds, like strings, numbers, or yes/no boolean values.

Every programming language checks if values match their expected types, known as type checking. This helps prevent errors when running programs. This happens while the program is running or before it starts. Type checking comes in two main types: static and dynamic.

Static vs Dynamic Type Languages

Statically Typed Languages:

  • It require explicit type declarations during coding.
  • Type checking takes place at compile time.

Imagine you have a toy box with special sections for different toys. Once you put a toy in a section, you can’t change it to a different one. In Java, it’s a bit like this. When you create a box (a variable), you also say which section (type) it belongs to. You can’t change your mind later!

some languages like Swift/Kotlin, you often don’t need to explicitly declare types, as the compiler can deduce them from initial values.

also Kotlin/Swift have some special type called Any. will see this following Section.

//swift example
var apples: Int = 5
apples = "Oops!" // 🛑 Error! Swift/Kotlin says, "Nope, stick to the rules!"

Dynamic Typing:

  • Dynamically typed languages allow type changes during runtime for flexibility and quick prototyping.
  • Type checking takes place at runtime or execution time

Picture a magic bag that can change its contents anytime. That’s how some languages, like JavaScript,Python work. You don’t have to decide what goes in before. The bag figures it out when you put something in.

# Python Example
# Variables can hold different types
value = 42
print(value) # Output: 42
print(type(value)) # Output: <class 'int'>

value = "Hello, dynamic typing!"
print(value) # Output: Hello, dynamic typing!
print(type(value)) # Output: <class 'str'>

Enter Swift and Kotlin :

Before we dive into Swift and Kotlin’s dynamic features, let’s set the stage by understanding their core nature. Swift and Kotlin are primarily static typing languages, which means they require variable types to be declared before runtime. This enhances code reliability by catching potential errors early in the development process. 🧐

However, here’s where the plot thickens: both Swift and Kotlin incorporate certain dynamic aspects into their static foundation. They achieve this through a concept called “type inference.”

The goal of type inference is to reduce the need for developers to explicitly specify types while still maintaining the benefits of static typing, such as early error detection and performance optimization. Type inference enhances code readability, reduces verbosity, and promotes more concise and expressive code.

fun main() {
val age = 25 // Compiler infers 'age' as an integer
val name = "Alice" // Compiler infers 'name' as a string

println("Age: $age, Name: $name")

This dynamic-inspired technique allows the languages to deduce the type of a variable based on its initial value. While they embrace the principles of static typing, they borrow a page from the dynamic playbook when it comes to variable type deduction. 📖🕺

Swift and Kotlin: Adding Dynamic Spice to the Static Mix

1. Swift’s and Kotlin’s Dynamic Twist:

In Swift, things get lively with the Any and AnyObject types where as in Kotlin we only have Any.These types are like flexible containers that can hold any value, just like in dynamic languages. But here's the catch – they come with a little safety net. 🌈🪄 This means that while you can store different types of values, Swift/Kotlin still keeps an eye out for potential errors. It’s like having a versatile tool that’s also careful not to let any mishaps sneak in.

In Kotlin, there’s no need for a separate AnyObject type because everything is treated as a class, whether it's a value or a reference type. So, the single Any type in Kotlin can handle instances of both value and reference classes, making the type system more straightforward.

Example, in Swift:

func printInfo(value: Any) {
print("Value: \(value)")

let number: Any = 42
let message: Any = "Hello, Swift!"

printInfo(value: number) // Value: 42
printInfo(value: message) // Value: Hello, Swift!

In this Swift example, the printInfo function can handle different types, but Swift ensures things stay under control.

Example, in Kotlin:

fun sayHi(person: Any) {
println("Hello, $person!")

fun main() {
val friend = "Dinesh"
val mysteryNumber = 6.5

sayHi(friend) // Hello, Dinesh!
sayHi(mysteryNumber) // Hello, 6.5!

The End

Kotlin and Swift, our dynamic duo of statically typed languages, utilize type inference to make coding smoother and more user-friendly. So, whether you’re a Kotlin or a Swift enthusiast, you can appreciate how these languages lighten your coding journey by lending a helping hand to data type management. 🚀🔍

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