Unreal Worlds — Lore Continuation

Unreal Worlds
2 min readMar 5, 2023


Galactic Hubs Season 2 Development Grant

September 2022: Unreal Worlds part 1 -highlights

Unreal Worlds -animation project seeks to bring the Alien Worlds metaverse to life with high quality art and intriguing storytelling. Building on the success of part 1, funded by gHubs Season 1 and can be viewed on (youtube.com/@unrealworlds), we will continue the story of four different characters in the AW metaverse, expanding on the prologue in new and exciting ways. This blog will follow the development of Unreal Worlds part 2 that has been chosen for a Season 2 Development Tier -grant by the Galactic Hubs Grant Program.

I am FifthAce, an Alien Worlds community member, aspiring digital artist and the guy who’s running this one-man project. I’ve been around Alien Worlds since early 2021 and I always saw it as an excellent platform for creative art.

I’ve had ambitious plans on how the community could get involved in making decisions in the Unreal Worlds storytelling and being part of the stories themselves, but I’ll save those for later as they’re out of scope for now.

First finished project
April 2021: First finished artwork, ever

My activity in making AW inspired digital art has come in short spurts, and it’s nice to look back to see the progress made and new skills learned. I hope there will be another generational leap this time around. Stay tuned!

