Figuregot Update: Stockroom Invites and Inventory Spots

3 min readMar 27, 2022


It has been a wild two and a half weeks since we officially announced the Figuregot project! We just wanted to take a moment first to thank everyone that has shown love and support, it is beyond anything we ever imagined and hope you know how grateful and appreciative we are. From the Twitter DMs and comments, to the amazing fanart and Youtube videos, we want you to know that we as a team sit together to read and watch everything and are blown away everytime.

We have been reading all the comments and DMs, and feel the need to clarify some things in the hopes to communicate our plans better with all of you!

We are taking the approach of a closed Stockroom (our Discord server). We made this choice because we believe it not only allows us to cultivate the community and culture we wish to have for Figuregot, but also a community that shares and acts upon the same values that Figuregot was created on. It also allows us as the team to develop personal connections with everyone that joins our server. It is of extreme importance to us to get to know our community and for the community to have a chance to get to know us. When we feel we have reached a point where the people currently in the server have gotten to know each other and the team, we will move forward to let in the next group of people. And finally, without giving away too much alpha, we will be announcing some fun new features in the Stockroom to help eliminate the “Discord grinding” mentality.

It is also important to note, that being in the Stockroom does not guarantee you an Inventory spot. Yet, not being in the Stockroom also doesn’t mean you can’t acquire an Inventory spot. This approach allows us to remain inclusive and offer everyone a fair chance at an Inventory spot. While the Stockroom will offer you more opportunities for an Inventory spot, it is primarily used for us to interact and engage with our community while also providing members a platform to meet new people and make new friends.

Another question we often see is regarding our puzzle/challenge approach. To clarify, if the eyes are CLOSED on the Figuregot logo in our Twitter PFP, then that represents a puzzle or challenge is currently active. A Figuregot logo with OPEN eyes symbolizes that there is no active challenge to currently look for. Puzzles and challenges will only ever happen on our official @figuregot Twitter account, and unless stated otherwise, will be a method to get into the Stockroom. While we have previously selected the first 100 correct entries as our winners, we will now also be testing a raffle system amongst all the correct entries. This is in an attempt to be more inclusive, as we understand everyone can get busy or may be in different timezones.

Winners from our second puzzle, Andrew Wang’s giveaway, and our TIMEPieces partnership have all been identified and added to our spreadsheet. We will be reaching out to you in the next few days ONLY from the official @figuregot Twitter account. Please note DMing the team for an invite will not work, we want to remain fair to everyone.

WARNING: We’ve recently become aware of multiple fake Figuregot collections on OpenSea, as well as fake Twitter accounts and Discord servers imitating us. This is just a reminder that we have NOT yet minted and we will NEVER do a stealth launch. Our only official Twitter is @figuregot and our Stockroom is invite only. Please stay safe.

We are Figuregot 🛠

