Exploring fun things to Do in Suva: A Guide to Fiji’s Capital City Adventures

Fiji Visit
3 min readOct 29, 2023


Ah, Suva! The capital city of Fiji and a treasure trove of culture, history, and natural beauty. Ever wondered what Fun Things to Do in Suva? Dive in with us as we journey through this South Pacific gem, full of fun-filled activities.

Historical Sites

Fiji Museum

Tucked within the serene Thurston Gardens, the Fiji Museum offers a deep dive into the island nation’s history. From ancient artefacts to compelling exhibits about Fiji’s colonial past, it’s like stepping back in time. Don’t miss the displays on traditional canoes and indigenous art!

Thurston Gardens

Speaking of Thurston Gardens, this botanical haven in the heart of Suva showcases flora from all over the South Pacific. Perfect for a leisurely walk, isn’t it amazing how nature and history can co-exist so harmoniously?

Natural Beauty

Colo-i-Suva Forest Park

Craving a rainforest adventure? Colo-i-Suva is the spot! With walking trails, natural pools, and a plethora of bird species, it’s a paradise for nature lovers. Can you imagine the thrill of spotting a rare bird while listening to the gentle sounds of waterfalls?

Suva Seawall

Sunrise or sunset, a walk along the Suva Seawall is pure magic. Overlooking the vast Pacific, it’s an ideal spot for reflection, jogging, or simply soaking in the sea breeze. Ever felt the universe talking to you? This might just be the place!

Local Markets and Shopping

Suva Municipal Market

Step into a riot of colors, aromas, and sounds at the Suva Municipal Market. From tropical fruits to handcrafted artifacts, this market offers a genuine taste of Fijian life. Fancy a juicy mango or a handwoven basket as a keepsake?

Cumming Street

Shopaholics, rejoice! Cumming Street, with its myriad of stores and boutiques, promises a delightful shopping experience. From local crafts to high-end fashion, there’s something for every shopper. Ready to snag a bargain?

Nightlife and Entertainment

O’Reilly’s Pub

In the mood for a lively night out? O’Reilly’s Pub is where Suva’s nightlife shines. With live music, dance floors, and a range of beverages, it guarantees a memorable evening. Ever danced the night away to island tunes?

Damodar Event Cinemas

For those seeking a quieter evening, Damodar Event Cinemas offers the latest movies in a comfortable setting. Popcorn, a good film, and friends — isn’t that a perfect night out?

Cultural Experiences

Pacific Harbour

An hour’s drive from Suva, Pacific Harbour is the adventure capital of Fiji. From river rafting to cultural village tours, it’s a melting pot of experiences. Ever tried river rafting with a backdrop of lush forests?

Traditional Fijian Dance Performances

Experience the heart and soul of Fiji through its dance. Many local resorts offer traditional performances that are both captivating and enlightening. Can you feel the rhythm of the islands pulsating through you?

Dining and Cuisine

Seafood Delights

Being an island nation, Fiji’s seafood is unparalleled. Fun Things to Do in Suva eateries offer mouthwatering dishes like grilled mahi-mahi and lobster curry. Ready to tantalize your taste buds?

Street Food Extravaganza

For the culinary adventurous, Suva’s street food is a must-try. From spicy curries to fresh coconut water, it’s an explosion of flavours. Ever tried a roti wrap at a roadside stall?


Suva is more than just a capital city; it’s a gateway to Fijian culture, history, and unparalleled natural beauty. Whether you’re a history buff, nature lover, or foodie, Suva promises a memorable experience. Ready to pack your bags and dive into the Suva adventure?

