Taufiq Rahman
3 min readApr 19, 2020


It is said if the grass united in this world will defeat other trees in terms of the height. So be it, the one below, rise, and higher up. And this is not uncommon, in this world.

It is very often people complain that they have bad luck, that their lives are less successful because they are not from rich families, that to go to school or try to have a business should have a lot of capital, and so on, and so on. As a result, these people throw their responsibility on the condition and that they have no intention to do anything to change it.

In fact, our lives, basically, besides depending on what is happening around us, also depends on our life plans. And in essence, humans have the ability to change the direction of his life in accordance with what they want.

According to Lazarus and May (1985), generally in a reciprocal relationship between humans, there are only a few things that cannot be done by us. The words “I can’t” actually will never exist. Or, if any, just to weaken our own. “I can’t lose my weight,” “I can’t do the job,” “I can’t stop smoking,” etc. It’s actually just lip service to protect yourself.

Think about this. A job that previously could not be performed, but with such billions luring money, or threatened with death if we do not do it; will we still not be able to? No. We can do it for those reasons.

So, the most important thing is motivation. Many people say that they want to do something, but every action is contrary to his statement. There are people who want to go on a diet, but that person still thinks that the pleasure of eating in a short time is more important than the pleasure of being thin in the long run. She also believes that the effort to reduce weight by learning to eat according to the rules is very hard for her.

Now, if the motivation isn’t there, what will these people get? Words like “I want to,” “I’ll try,” “I think I’ll do it,” or “I’d better be,” etc. is an ambivalent statement and a tool for self-deception.

Dieting, for example, is indeed a lot of ways to do it. But most people who want to go on a diet just turn their attention to the main thing, which is their motivation. Most people know how to lose weight, but they don’t do that.

The toughness of intention or motivation is indeed one difficult thing. Too many temptations out there that make us provoked to come out of our various good intentions. But all of that is a pseudo thing if you believe that your goals already exist and they will be achieved.

So, if our intention is big, our energy will also be large. Then we will change the condition. Impossible things can become a reality.

That is, the ones below can often be at the top in the end. Toads can eat snakes, cats fear mice, dogs fear cats, and so on. Therefore, in this life, we ​​must not be careless, because it could be a good fate waiting for us. The weak become the strong, the strong become the weak. It is often the one below that arises. Be the rise of the underdog!



Taufiq Rahman

A lecturer of philosophy living in Bandung, Indonesia