Why Entrepreneurship Education Always Needed?

Taufiq Rahman
4 min readApr 20, 2020


Successful entrepreneurs have unique and almost the same characteristics. If the person desires to be a successful entrepreneur, he must change his attributes so that it is virtually the same as the person who has been successful (McGrath 1992). Meanwhile, Vaught and Hoy (1981) argue that there are dominant personal values ​​that contribute to the success of an entrepreneur. According to them, successful entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs who want achievement, freedom; work in small organizations; aspiring, having high confidence; forward-looking, expecting high rewards; can withstand hardships, and able to sacrifice anything for success.

In the aspect of decision making, a brilliant leadership spirit is something that should be present in entrepreneurship. A leader has the responsibility for the success of the business. The leader needs to research and exchange ideas before making a decision. Before a decision made, a leader must have sufficient information (well-informed) about the problems they face. It is essential to ensure that the formulation obtained is more stable.

Each of us is a leader. Therefore, every business person must have good leadership qualities. Self-employed people, for example, in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), the profit and loss of business are in our own hands. We are the leaders. When doing business in a corporation, every person, in his position, is always ready to carry out their duties properly. That is a person with a leader spirit, that is someone who can control himself. After oneself managed following the good and right goals, leading other people is easy because you have already emulated it.

Entrepreneurship Education

The education approach is the most important mechanism in implementing an entrepreneurial culture. Therefore it is necessary to have schooling programs or lectures to foster an entrepreneurial spirit. These programs include plans for developing a culture of thinking, promoting affirmative entrepreneurship programs, and science and technology programs.

The thinking culture development program is a program of applying creative thinking. This program needs to be introduced in schools and continue to the tertiary level. Creative thinking is essential to realize new ideas that are the base of entrepreneurial success. The application of creative thinking can be embedded in relevant lessons such as Geography, Economics, Art, etc. Practically, students are also encouraged to create new products or old products that are updated. With this, students will be able to use their creativity, expertise, and abilities to develop their talents. This approach will stimulate students’ interest in being able to seize opportunities and find their source of income through a combination of ideas, knowledge, and abilities without relying on a civil servant or private job offers.

Fostering a positive attitude program for entrepreneurs must be implemented. It often heard that their attitudes cause many entrepreneurs who fail in their business. For this reason, the younger generation needs to be nurtured to be more proactive, independent, and not dependent on others. Likewise, because the entrepreneur comes from an individual, that individual must be nurtured.

Successful education programs can be implemented by introducing information technology among students. This curriculum is not only limited to computer learning and ways to surf, but also includes technology application programs in life, the world of work, and commerce. For example, this curriculum starts with practical computer science, how to interact through the internet, how to create your website and learn aspects of trade management and marketing via the internet.

Entrepreneurship development programs must continue to be launched by the government at various levels and ministries. In multiple ways and on numerous occasions, the government needs to continue to guide the people to grow into real entrepreneurs. Because if the people can be independent, the country will be independent and advance on its own.

The role of parents at home is also very significant in fostering an entrepreneurial spirit in their children. It can be instilled that entrepreneurship can be carried out even if they live their lives as salaried people. Here the entrepreneur can be perceived as a side job as a means of practicing for business, after retirement work, etc. But what needs to be remembered is that the entrepreneurial spirit makes us independent and remains ready to survive in all conditions. There is no retirement in entrepreneurship. For that, before it’s too late, practice to try, which will eventually get maturity and success.

The mass media also plays a role that is no less important in fostering an entrepreneurial spirit in the community. Electronic mass media need to hold special events to explain to the public about entrepreneurship. Broadcast programs such as talk shows, editorials, documentation, and news about the success of domestic entrepreneurs need to be verified. Print media such as newspapers and magazines also need to insert a distinctive segment of entrepreneurship. In this segment, examples of successful entrepreneurs, tips on becoming entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship information networks, as well as courses and training in skills and technology also need to be encouraged.

Many books and media are talking about the entrepreneurial spirit, but what’s important is to get started. The adage “think big, start small, and act now” really has to be thought and implemented in the world of entrepreneurship.



Taufiq Rahman

A lecturer of philosophy living in Bandung, Indonesia