2024/02/01; Dear You, Somewhere | #unsentletterstovalentine | day 01

2 min readFeb 1, 2024


I've been in this strange phase of longing for the past few days (or weeks?). So many questions popping up every day, so little courage to actually ask them about it.

So many relationships with those people that I used to talk with almost every day are now felt so far; there's this "invisible one-way wall" that separates us. Once we go through that wall, there's no way to go back.

Blame it on the adulthood? Blame it on our priorities that change overtime? Blame it on the distance between us? Blame it on the difference of the time zone between us? Those things are slowly changing day by day.

Days are changing, the distance is getting further. And we both know that it is impossible to go back to the way we used to be; at least, not anytime soon...

Adulthood is indeed a lonely journey. They said, having low maintenance friendship is the best thing that ever happened to them; but why do it feels so lonely? Is it the same for you?

Dear you(s), somewhere...

If there's a thing that I regret from our past relationship is why don't we leave more traces of the days that we spent together. Should we take more photos? Should I reach you first more often? Should I keep the pride aside and honestly tell you how I feel more often?

But you know that I'm happy for you always. For making me who I am today. For all the long talks, the breaking down phases, the carpool karaoke sessions, and the vulnerable nights that we've been through. You know that I won't get through my teenage and early adult days without you and those days!

You deserve all the best of all this world could give. Silently supporting y'all from afar! Hope I'll get that courage soon to not making it silent like this day.

This door is always open, 24/7. Would gladly welcome you for a glass of tea or two. A quick catching-up session won't hurt; don't hesitate to spend an hour or two :)


*this letter is a part of #UnsentLettersToValentine project by @lucedaleco 💌

