2018: great developments and starting a library

3 min readDec 28, 2018


Happy New Year! This is the time people usually look back to see what has been achieved in the last year, and what are their future goals. As the year is drawing to a close, we are looking back at what Files.fm has been up to in 2018:

1. Library idea and first set-up steps
The biggest achievement for us in 2018 was the work we’ve done to start Files.fm Library. The idea for a community-powered library had been floating around our heads for quite a while; this year, we finally started working on creating a large-scale digital file library that would gather all useful content in one place. More about our library and the ways you can support it here.

2. P2P technology integration and a new video player
To support a growing number of users and ensure fast download speed, we introduced hybrid P2P downloads where files can be downloaded simultaneously from other peers in the network and our main servers using Webtorrent technology. It employs a similar technology to torrent sites to download content stored on Files.fm website. You can test it out yourself: go to any file on Files.fm and choose to download it with P2P. Alternatively, you can see how P2P video streaming works in our video explainer.

3. Participation in events in Asia and Europe
This year we’ve been quite busy promoting the Library idea in several big conferences in Asia and Europe. The furthest was Seoul — we travelled more than 7000 km to tell the world about our planned community-backed Library. The full list of events we’ve participated in (with photos!) can be seen here.

4. Event profile with AI search
This year, we also implemented AI content recognition for our event profile pictures. Several of our long-standing clients and partners are using it to allow others to find specific photos depending on their content: numbers, words, and colours seen in the photo.
For example, if you have photos from a race, it is possible to search a certain registration number (usually displayed on the back or front of a runner) to find your photos between thousands of pictures taken. Currently, this search option is used in Files.fm website, and later it will also be available in the Files.fm Library.

5. New team members and advisors
2018 was also a notable year in terms of our growth — more people have joined our team, and now there are 20 of us, all working towards improving the existing Files.fm services and building the Library. In addition to that, we have also gained several advisors to consult us about any questions that might arise. You can get acquainted with our team and advisors here.

Overall, this has been a great year for us. We have dealt with different challenges, but even more are lying ahead. The next big step is to open our Library for wider public: we are planning to start token pre-sale in the first months of the year (read more about our tokens in the whitepaper) and to open a beta version to contributors not long afterwards. You can start donating files already today and help us achieve our goals for 2019!

Happy holidays, and we hope your next year will be (at least) as creative, challenging, fun, and spirited as our 2018 has been! See you next year!

Joins us in:
Website: https://files.fm/library
Telegram: https://t.me/filesfm
Twitter: https://twitter.com/files_fm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Filesfm/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/filesfm/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/files.fm/




Files.fm provides secure and convenient SaaS data storage solutions for business, professional and private users, so that they can easily Store, Publish, Backup