Show us you care: join Library whitelist!
4 min readDec 14, 2018


Save the date: FFM token pre-sale starts soon. When you buy FFM tokens, you get permanent storage and an early beta access to the Library. Don’t miss out and join our whitelist now:

What are FFM tokens?

FFM tokens are the currency of Library. They will be used to reward user participation — when you upload or tag content, share your drive space or donate bandwidth, you will earn tokens. After that, you can use the tokens to buy more private space or copyrighted content from the library. Later on, the tokens will be listed on crypto exchanges, which will allow independent trade with them.

What happens when I sign up?

To join our whitelist, we ask you some simple information: your name, birthday and address as well as the amount of tokens you plan to buy. This is included in our KYC (know-your-customer) procedure to understand our customers better and provide more security in the token sale process.

Why should I join?

Only some of the reasons:

● It will be easier to participate in the pre-sale when it starts. Some ICO (initial coin offering) campaigns have sold out under ten minutes: last year, a virtual gifting ICO in Singapore sold out in one minute despite not accepting investors from China and the US. If you plan on waiting to consider the amount of tokens to buy and to write your information, you might miss out!

● Show us that you care! Library is a community-powered project. We need community engagement to kick-start the project now, and we will need community engagement later. Signing up for pre-sale is a way for you to show that you are passionate about (or at least moderately interested in) our vision: to provide a library by everyone for everyone. You are the content creator, the giver, the uploader — become a supporter too.

● You will get some awesome bonuses: on the 1st day of pre-sale, every buyer will receive 50% more tokens then they are paying for. On the 2nd day, every buyer will receive 49% more tokens than they are paying for. On the 3rd day… you got the idea. The sooner you buy, the more you will receive.

● You have the opportunity to become a pioneer in our community. Participants in the pre-sale will gain early beta access to the Library. It will take some time before the library is open to general public. This allows you to be between the first users and content providers of the library: upload the files you want to see in a community-powered library.

● You will be able to use the tokens immediately. If you don’t want to wait and use the tokens to buy copyrighted content in the library, you will be able to use them to buy private space in Files.FM file storage system. 1 USD = 100 FFM tokens = 1 GB of private storage space.

● We accept US dollars, Bitcoins, and Ethereum. Spend your cryptocurrency for a worthy project and real storage space.

What is Library?

Maybe it is the first time you are reading about us and are a bit lost in the jumble of abbreviations and ideas. Don’t worry, we’ve been there. In short, Library is an enormous project to open a community-powered library where everyone can upload their files and share them with public for free or for compensation — depending on the type of file and users’ wishes. Our goal is to preserve knowledge for future generations and to connect people with information others might not find useful.

For example, if you have university lecture notes from a first-year course and are currently studying for Master’s degree, you might consider them worthless but don’t really want to throw them out. You can upload the notes in the library and delete from your computer, freeing up space. For a high-school student trying to get in a university, these notes would be priceless, and now they can find them in the library. You get rewarded with tokens to buy other material (how does an educational video for higher level students sound?), and you have helped building a community.

The library will include different types of documents, and they will be evaluated by users and administrators to get rid of illegal, bad-quality or otherwise inappropriate files. You can read more about the library, tokens, content and creators here: or







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