April Release of Saleor: VAT support is here

Tax support, customer notes, simplified stock management, improved UX, several bug fixes & improvements

Filip Kucharczyk
4 min readMay 11, 2018


We are excited to announce the April 2018 release of Saleor!

Long awaited tax support is here, fetch the latest rates straight from the European Commission databases, decide if you want to display gross or net prices to your customers, charge or don’t charge taxes on the shipping cost. Simply enter your prices the way you prefer — with or without taxes, and we will take care of the rest.

Apart from working hard on our Dashboard 2.0 (planned for June 2018), built with GraphQL and React goodness, we still managed to squeeze out a few new features!

Also, this release includes various bug fixes and improvements.

Vat Support for European Countries 🎉

Taxes can be a complex matter, but Saleor aims to make the setup as painless as possible.

In order to achieve that, we’re introducing vatlayer integration, providing reliable and up-to-date EU VAT rates.

Global tax support is coming in the future as we are planning to integrate with Avalara, so much so soon!

Improved Menu Management

Menus can be assigned from the Dashboard in the blink of an eye.

Create various versions, test what works best for you and pick your favourite!

Both footer and navbar can be edited.

Add Notes About Your Customers

Sometimes, you need to keep notes about your customers that you can refer to them later on.

Whenever you want to mark a loyal customer, add a reminder about the necessity of a free gift, or keep an eye on troublemakers — we’ve got you covered.

Notes can be visible to customer or staff only.

Save Product Collections As Drafts

This option is something some users have wanted for quite a while. Whenever something interrupts you, no matter if that’s a coffee break, time to go home or an annoying colleague, save collection as draft and come back to it later. In face of the sale, prepare your collection beforehand, waiting for big day to come.

Draft collections can only be seen by staff.

Simplified Stock Management

We found that multiple stocks can be a little bit of overkill for most of the e-commerces, so we’ve simplified things a bit.

Stock and StockLocation models were dropped, quantity and cost price can be directly assigned to each Product Variant.

Right now stock management is a piece of cake! 🍰

Other Features:

  • Random data should contain more, not so random, real-life examples.


  • Building cross-domain client is not possible with Django’s CSRF mechanism, so we started handling authentication of API operations via custom JWT middleware.
  • Errors should be handled more gently on CreateToken mutation.

🐛 Fixes:

  • Due to a bug children’s menu items were incorrectly displayed as parents’. Children eventually become parents, but that’s not the preferred way.
  • PDF files were not recognised by certain browsers, it shouldn’t happen anymore.
  • Variant picker’s button contained unnecessary dots. This release introduces 100% dot-free buttons.
  • In certain configurations placeholder images would not appear at all. Placeholders should now hold their place.
  • And finally, fulfilment email was missing some data, we’ve just got better at fulfilling stuff.

🚀 Performance:

  • Several views should be now optimised and nicer for your database.

Those are only selected changes! Full release notes can be found on our GitHub page

🙇 A big thank you for your support and contributions! 🙇

Want to get to know Saleor better? Remember to check out our website getsaleor.com

If you have any questions we can answer, reach out to us on Twitter, GitHub or Gitter.

