My Notes on Choose Yourself by James Altucher

Filipa Canelas
4 min readApr 25, 2017


Choose Yourself

I’ve been listening to James Altucher podcast lately, and because he is such an interesting human being, I decided to read one of his books: Choose Yourself : Be Happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream.

This book covers some important moments of his life. He talks a lot about the way he messed up everything in his life more than 3 times.

Choose Yourself in Tough Times

Those were dark and difficult moments, when he lost everything he had. He lost his wife. He lost friends. And also money and jobs.

I really admire the author for having the courage to tell us his story. His human story. Because just like all of us, he made a ton of mistakes.

I’m glad I read this book, because sometimes we think about really successful people as some sort of “perfect heroes”, who know exactly how to be successful without much effort. Heroes who were simply lucky in life. Heroes that make no mistakes at all.

That’s not true, of course.

And I’m really happy that James wrote his authentic life story. It proves that successful people aren’t perfect. They will never be. Just like you and me.

James Altucher

Choose Yourself by Doing a Daily Practise:

Despite all the dark moments he lived, James learnt how he could be successful by implementing tiny and healthy habits in his life (“daily practise”).

Here are some of the things you should do, than can definitely change your depressed mood:

-Write 10 ideas every day, in order to become an “idea-machine” (I’m doing this everyday, and I’m loving the experience);

If you want to read more about growing your Creative Muscle and becoming an idea machine, read my post “The Creative Muscle — The Gym for Creative Minds”.


-Think of 5 people you are grateful for in your life everyday (I write in my journal, 5 things I’m grateful for);

-Exercise!!! (I do it 2 times a week… yes, I need to improve on this one).

Choose Yourself by Doing What you Love:

If there’s one thing I’m good at is: doing what I love.

Of course there are times that I need to do things I really don’t want to. That’s acceptable sometimes.

But honestly, most of the times I just refuse to do things that I do not want to. Because:

"If it’s not a HELL YES, it’s a No"-Derek Sivers

Life is too short to waste doing meaningless activities.

Why the hell are you doing things you hate? Why are you saying yes to things you want to say no?

You are the one who can decide which things you want to do, and which ones you don’t. You are in control of your own life!

Finding your Purpose:

“Forget purpose. It’s okay to be happy without one. The quest for a single purpose has ruined many lives”
-James Altucher​

I have no idea what my purpose is. But I’m not freaking out about it right now (like I did before).

Because I noticed that most people have no idea either. It’s totally ok!

Try different things, work in your side-hustle, master some skills, give your best in everything you do! Those are ways to find your purpose.

I just keep doing the things I love in order to find my own purpose.

Oh, I just found my purpose!!!

Doing what I love is my purpose!

Who said that you can only find one thing that you love to do, and consider it your purpose?

Choose Yourself by Helping the Others:

Helping the others is really important for me, and for my friend James! Contributing positively for other people’s lives’ is something I grew up with, because of my family example.

James’ suggests having a goal of helping 1 person per day. Simple things can change someone’s day or life. Connecting people that can help each other is something James is really good at.

Here are some ideas I come up with to help the others:

-Give them ideas to create a business in their area;

-Give/borrow your favourite book;

-Make them smile;

-Give them advice;

-Give your ideas for free;

-Leave a funny/lovely/personal letter in a public space;

-Give them your time;

-Talk with somebody who is sad;

-Give flowers or books to strangers;

-Offer your knowledge.

I’m always trying to help the others, by giving them my time and advice. In my opinion, it is a great way to make yourself happy while making other people happy too!

Choose Yourself is full of insights and ideas to apply in your own life! But those ones were my favourite, and I’m applying them in my life!

Some people say the order of the content inside the book is disorganised and confusing. I think it’s authentically organised!

James is a spectacular interesting person! I definitely recommend this book!

Click here to read James’ blog!

Originally published at on April 25, 2017.



Filipa Canelas

I Empower Businesses to Build an Effective Content Marketing Strategy | Founder @ able-academy |