2 min readOct 18, 2019

Starting out at BCIT

Week five at BCIT. Do I have any idea what I’m doing? Maybe… but that’s not stopping me from trying.

Technology has never agreed with me in any way, shape, of form. Seeing however as I am now part of a major institution that relies heavily on said technology, I’ve put myself in a pickle. Maybe if I was in a welding course or carpentry I wouldn’t have to use a computer so much. Seeing however as I’m in a radio course and most media is done online, that is not the case.

The course that I am currently sitting in as I’m at least starting to write this ramble is an online design course, which evidently means that petty much everything is done on a computer (not my strong suit). Other courses don’t have as much of a focus on computers, which is actually great for me seeing as I am then able to focus on doing something without worrying on where to click and what button to press.

Strangely enough one of my favorite courses actually does require a computer, and that would be sound design. I don’t know what it is about that course; maybe it’s the fact that I can sleep in that day because it starts at 11:30? Or maybe it’s the fact that I’m in a studio talking into a microphone and mixing all the audio into something either funny or absolutely terrible. Either way, it reminds me the most of why I chose to go into this program; of what originally inspired me to try and get myself behind a mic or in front or a camera.

I want to be able to make people laugh or think or just plain have a good solid conversation. Then again none of that would be possible without learning everything else that comes along the way. Today’s society is a vicious battleground in the entertainment industry, but if you want to get in… you wont make it until you try.