What I’ve learned with my DEXA scan

Filipa dos Santos Rodrigues
8 min readMay 12, 2024


Over the years, I’ve consistently tracked my body composition, acknowledging that weight alone doesn’t paint a complete picture of health. There’s been growing emphasis on understanding body composition phenotypes, given their significant influence on cardio-metabolic risk. Recently, I stumbled upon DEXA (Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) scans and their precise measurement capabilities for body composition. As a self-professed data enthusiast, I couldn’t resist undergoing one myself. My primary curiosity? To see how closely my scale measurements aligned with reality. To my surprise, they didn’t match — a revelation I’ll save for another post. Here, I’ll delve into my DEXA scan results, what they mean, and what I’ve learn.

Before we dive into the results, let me provide a bit of context: I find myself in perhaps the worst shape of my life. It’s only the first week of May, and I’ve already lived in four different countries this year. While I strive for a generally healthy lifestyle, I’m not one to deny myself the pleasures of exploring what each new country has to offer — whether it’s sampling local cuisine, discovering new eateries, or opting for leisurely city strolls over gym sessions. Additionally, my sleep quality tends to suffer whenever I’m in a new environment, requiring some time to acclimate and truly feel rested.



Filipa dos Santos Rodrigues

Aspiring Biohacker, Data Scientist by day, with a Biomedical Engineering background