Prototype Pattern in TypeScript

Filip Dimitrijeski
2 min readFeb 28, 2024


The Prototype Pattern is a creational design pattern in software development. It is used when the type of objects to create is determined by a prototypical instance, which is cloned to produce new objects. This pattern is especially useful in TypeScript when object creation is time-consuming, and we need to efficiently produce copies of a pre-existing object.

Let’s consider an example where we have a Car class. This class has properties like model, color, and engine. Creating a new car with these properties every time can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Here’s where the Prototype Pattern comes in handy.

interface CarPrototype {
clone(): CarPrototype;

class Car implements CarPrototype {
constructor(private model: string, private color: string, private engine: string) {}

public clone(): this {
const clone = Object.create(this);
clone.model = this.model;
clone.color = this.color;
clone.engine = this.engine;
return clone;

const prototypeCar = new Car('Model S', 'Red', 'Electric');
const cloneCar = prototypeCar.clone();

In the above example, the Car class implements the CarPrototype interface. This interface has a clone method which is used to create a new object. The Car class has a constructor that initializes the model, color, and engine properties. It also implements the clone method where it creates a new object and assigns the properties of the existing object to the new one.

The prototypeCar is an instance of the Car class. When we call the clone method on the prototypeCar, it creates a new Car object with the same properties as the prototypeCar. This new object is stored in cloneCar.

This way, we can create new objects based on the prototype without going through the process of creating a new object from scratch. This is especially useful when the object creation process is resource-intensive and we need to create multiple similar objects.


  1. Efficient Object Cloning: The Prototype pattern provides a mechanism to copy existing objects without making the code dependent on their classes.
  2. Performance Improvement: If the object creation is a costly affair and requires a lot of time and resources, it’s beneficial to clone the pre-existing objects.


  1. Complexity: Cloning complex objects that have circular references might be very tricky.
  2. Deep Copy Issue: Deep copying is possible but can be cumbersome and error-prone.

The Prototype Pattern is a powerful tool in TypeScript when we need to create duplicate objects based on a pre-existing object, especially when the direct creation of the object is inefficient. However, care should be taken when cloning complex objects to avoid issues related to deep copying and circular references.

