Mat vs. Reformer Pilates

Agnieszka Filipek
5 min readOct 20, 2021

Mr. Pilates made sure his exercise program was available to all different body types and age groups. Despite this, there are still dos and don’ts of Pilates, along with pros and cons. There are many goals for people in the fitness world. Some want to lose weight while others want to bulk up for heavy lifting. Others may wish to tone their muscles, but some might choose to simply exercise on a daily basis. Pilates, while it serves many benefits, does include a lifestyle change as well.

The lifestyle associated with Pilates takes form in both the physical and mental realms of fitness. The physical wellbeing of the body can only be as strong as the mind allows it. This statement sounds like a teaching heard from The Karate Kid, but it’s true. The mind is just as important to care for as the body, because it is the main source of motivation within someone. It screams “YES!” while your body may say “No, I’m tired. Can we grab sushi or something?” In Joseph Pilates and William Miller’s book A Pilates’ Primer: The Millenium Edition (1998), they say how it is necessary to have a stable mind for a successful body, which calls back to the virtue of self-discipline. A person doing Pilates must have complete control over their movements, and they must know they are in control. But then the question remains: How does someone get in control or realize they are controlling their body? Surely muscle memory plays a part in it, however, it is a learning experience for beginners and even for experts in Pilates. Knowing the power of self-control is so crucial in the program. In…

