Transforming Your Smartphone into a ‘Dumb Phone’: The Smart Way to Stay Connected

3 min readOct 21, 2023


In our fast-paced, tech-savvy world, smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. However, the constant notifications, social media distractions, and app overload can often leave us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from the real world. If you’re looking to simplify your digital life without giving up the essential functions of your smartphone, there’s a smart solution for both iPhone and Android users. In this article, we’ll explore how you can turn your smartphone into a ‘dumb phone’ while still retaining the convenience of modern technology, and we’ll introduce an alternative app for Android users — “Before: Distraction Blocker.”

The Problem with Smartphones

Smartphones offer a multitude of features and apps that make our lives more convenient, but they also come with a downside. The constant barrage of notifications, endless social media scrolling, and the temptation to check our phones at all hours of the day can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and decreased productivity. It’s not uncommon to feel like our smartphones are taking over our lives.

The Appeal of ‘Dumb Phones’

‘Dumb phones,’ or feature phones, offer a stripped-down experience. They typically only allow for calls and text messages. While this might sound limiting, it can also be liberating. The simplicity of these devices reduces distractions and allows you to focus on what truly matters.

A Clever Solution: Blank Spaces App for iPhone

For iPhone users, the Blank Spaces app is an excellent solution. It allows you to regain control over your smartphone experience.

Here’s how you can turn your iPhone into a ‘dumb phone’ using Blank Spaces:

  1. Download and Install: Head to the App Store and download the Blank Spaces app.
  2. Customize Your Experience: The app provides you with a minimalistic interface that focuses on essential features. You can choose which apps you want to keep accessible and which to hide. This ensures you only see what’s necessary and can’t be distracted by non-essential apps.
  3. Scheduled Access: Blank Spaces lets you schedule times for unrestricted access to your smartphone’s full functionality. This means you can still buy tickets, pay bills, and perform essential tasks during designated time windows while keeping distractions at bay the rest of the time.
  4. Call and Text Only: During your focused periods, you can use your smartphone as a regular phone for calls and text messages, maintaining essential communication without the extra clutter.

The Android Alternative: Before: Distraction Blocker

Android users, fear not; there’s a great alternative available. The “Before: Distraction Blocker” app, designed for Android devices, offers a similar ‘dumb phone’ experience.

Here’s how you can use Before: Distraction Blocker:

  1. Download and Install: Head to the Google Play Store and download the Before: Distraction Blocker app.
  2. Customize Your Experience: Like Blank Spaces, Before lets you choose which apps you want to keep visible and which to hide. This allows you to maintain a minimalistic interface.
  3. Scheduled Access: Before also allows you to schedule times when you can have full access to your smartphone’s features, ensuring that you can still handle important tasks.
  4. Call and Text Only: During your focused periods, you can use your smartphone for calls and text messages, ensuring you can stay connected when needed.

Why Blank Spaces and Before Beat Buying an Old Phone

You might wonder why it’s better to use these apps to transform your smartphone instead of buying an old-fashioned feature phone. Here’s why:

1. Convenience: Smartphones offer a wide range of functions that make our lives more convenient. Whether it’s mobile payments, navigation, or productivity apps, a smartphone is a versatile tool. Blank Spaces and Before let you retain these conveniences.

2. Cost-Effective: Purchasing a new feature phone may not be cost-effective. Using these apps allows you to achieve the same ‘dumb phone’ experience without the expense of a new device.

3. Environmental Impact: Opting for a ‘dumb phone’ may lead to the disposal of a perfectly functional smartphone, contributing to electronic waste. By using these apps, you’re making a more environmentally responsible choice.


In a world where our smartphones have become both a blessing and a curse, it’s essential to find a balance. The Blank Spaces app for iPhone and the Before: Distraction Blocker app for Android provide a smart solution, allowing you to turn your smartphone into a ‘dumb phone’ during specific hours while retaining the convenience of modern technology. This approach helps you reduce distractions, increase focus, and regain control over your digital life. So, before you decide to ditch your smartphone for good, consider giving these apps a try — you might just find the perfect balance between staying connected and staying sane.

