Francis Korkor
3 min readSep 18, 2019


Why Do Egyptians Look Different Today, Even Though In Ancient Times They Depicted Themselves As Black?

Although Egypt was conquered many times by outsiders (the Romans, the Greeks, the Persians etc.), you will be surprised to know that the many political changes did not actually affect the appearance and complexion of the Egyptian population.

In fact the ancient Egyptians look much the same as present day Egyptians.

One thing to note is that even in situations of large scale invasions/migrations, the “general appearance of the original indigenous population does not change much”. The reason for this is that even when a group of foreigners invade in large numbers, the original indigenous population is always several times larger, so research has shown that it is always the invaders who often transform overtime to look like the indigenes, and not the other way round.

Now if we consider the fact that Egypt is over a 1000km from Aswan in the south to Alexandria in the north, that also means as one drives from Aswan (which is closer to Sudan), towards the north, you encounter varying degrees of skin complexion from very dark Egyptians in the Aswan area:

to medium light complexions around middle Egypt (ASUYT area):



Francis Korkor

B.A (Geography and Archaeology), M.A (Archaeology), Dip (Human Resources Management)