The world’s only gnome giant. It is 1.23 meters when it is short and 2.34 meters when it is tall

Emma Deluca
3 min readApr 30, 2020

Due to abnormal growth and development, human beings will produce two extreme phenomena. One is a dwarf, an extremely short and incommensurate person. One is giants, people who are overgrown and obviously taller than normal. And yet, in the world, there was once a man who was both. How could that be?

Born in 1899, Adam Rainer, an austro-hungarian, was only 122.5 cm tall at the age of 18 and was thought to have dwarfism, making him unable to grow any taller. It is estimated that he and his family are worried about this, so how to go on?

By the time he was 20, however, renard was surprised to find that he had begun to grow taller again, dawdling and growing, and was soon the average height of the day. But soon he realized something was wrong, because he was still growing and growing and he couldn’t stop! Doctors think it’s probably because he has a tumor near his pituitary gland that’s secreting growth hormone and causing him to grow madly tall.

When rennal was 31, doctors under local anesthesia operated on him through his nose to remove a tumor from his pituitary gland, which eventually slowed his growth. But by the time he was 32, renard had grown to 2.18 meters. What had once been a worry turned into a surprise and then into a fear. Renard was terrified.

He continued to grow, and slowly his skeletal and muscular systems failed to support him, his spine began to bend, and his joints began to fail. When he was about 35, he became bedridden and never stood up again. This is what happened to renard’s skull and face as growth hormones changed his life.

Rennal eventually died at the age of 51 and was 2.34 metres tall. He is the only person in the world who is both called a dwarf and classified as a giant.



Emma Deluca

Fourteen years in the media,General director of TV station,writer