Filmgrid Manifesto

1 min readSep 23, 2018


We hold these truths to be self-evident:

A movie is a work of art, remember that.

Freedom of formats with no time restraints. A movie can last as many minutes the story requires to be told right.

There is more than one way to write a movie. Never limit yourself to over-used storytelling structures.

Acting talent goes beyond the looks. When casting, the best person for the role must be chosen.

Telling a good story is what matters. Use every available tools appropriately.

We say NO:

To product placement.

To non-creative interference.

To business commitments.

We strongly believe:

Being talented is no excuse for a negative attitude.

Money should not interfere in any aspect of the movie.

Credit must never be taken for the work of others.

Respect to other ideologies and beliefs is paramount.

Visual effects should assist the narrative, not overshadow it.

Not a single member of the production team shall be imposed.

All relative terms to refer to a digital movie, such as film, movie or picture are fine.




Peer-to-peer solution for commerce, streaming and financing of independent films and series over the Internet