Harry Potter Films Ranked | FilmRush

6 min readJul 11, 2023


Harry Potter, the character, the books, and the films are not merely just a piece of fiction writing that is incredible, exhilarating, and gorgeous, but a whole emotion for the series’ fans. Ever since the story of “The Boy who lived,” was told to the readers, J.K. Rowling has accumulated an empire of hardcore fans. Themeparks, studios, books, merchandise, cinematic adaptations and so much more. The tale of Harry Potter and his companions through the mystical corridors of Hogwarts, the horrifying shadows of the chamber of secrets, and the lush lands of the fictional English countryside have hypnotized a good bit of the population of the world. The books are no doubt pieces of fiction that will go down in history as one of the best slices of pop culture.

Keep in mind this is not a ranking based on the books but rather on the cinematic adaptations of the books. Also, the rankings are not solely based on sheer technicalities and regulations but it's based on how enjoyable each film is. A significant amount of entertainment, with a well-dictated premise, visual appeal/cinematography, and raw emotions drives this ranking. Another thing before the list I want to say is that I believe each of these films is good, some are just better than others. With that, let's begin!

8. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

I can already feel you guys picking up the pitchforks and torches. Please just put it down (please, I'm scared). Chamber of Secrets is possibly the best adaptation of all the Harry Potter movies, but with that, the length of the film increases quite a bit. Although I enjoy my time at Hogwarts with the lovely characters, this film’s slow pacing frustrates me just a bit. By no means Chambers of Secrets is a bad film, but it goes a bit too long. The story and the visuals for its time were amazing and it still holds up to this day after two decades. If this is the quality of the film at the bottom of the list, makes you wonder how good the other films are.

7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

A set-up film. That's what it is. It sets up the finale of the series and it does it damn well. This film offers sharp depressing visuals that meet the tone of the story. The hunt for the Horcruxes is more intense than ever. The world feels threatening and we are genuinely scared for our favorite trio. There are a lot of people that don’t like the film or even think that it was necessary but I am sure that without this one the finale wouldn’t hit as hard.

6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

When I think of this film the word that comes to mind is, “Sepia.” The film is yellow to watch, but somehow at the same time, it is gorgeous to look at. Of course, it's not all the scenes but the yellow is quite a highlight. Another film that hits hard with an ending that induces an array of emotions in the audience. Half-Blood Prince is a film that is better to be experienced yourself rather than read about it. Trust me, the amount of dread I felt after watching this was something.

5. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

This is a cinematic beauty. Yes, it is the most unfaithful adaptation and deviated way too much from the book, but we are ranking the films themselves here so we’re good. The story is neatly put together with excellent delivery of twists. And again the visual standards of Harry Potter films are greatly increased with this film. The broom flying, Buckbeak, everything involving the Whomping Willow to animal transfiguration. It's plain awesome and a pleasure to watch.

4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Arguably the most entertaining of all the films on the list, Goblet of Fire is super fun! Possibly because the film is divided into games/challenges that the characters have to complete in order to win the tri-wizard Cup. Each game was their own thill. From evading dragons to finishing an enchanted maze that is trying to claim their lives, (literally, RIP Cedric) these audiences witness the first on-screen appearance of Voldemort in his true form. Watching different schools come into Hogwarts was exciting and the overall film just slapped. It's a W!

3. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Oh, sweet nostalgia! The first time discovering the majestic walls of Hogwarts! Shopping in Diagon Alley! Listening to the beautiful John William score! Everything in this film oozes nostalgia. Though the CGI was bad at places the vibe of this film is undefeated. This is when all of us wanted to board the Hogwarts Express from Platform 9 3/4 and go to the mystical place that is Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It's a perfect introduction to an unfamiliar world…a world we would soon find ourselves lost in.

2. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Depending on when you ask me what my favorite Harry Potter film is, my answer alters. Someday it can either be this or the one which is number one on this list. Order of the Pheonix is perhaps the most well-constructed film of the series, perfectly balancing the action with the dialogue. The character performances are heartfelt, and some performances even force you to release rage. There are characters you would love to hate and also characters that you would hate to love. A tyrant of an antagonist, with an equally tyrannical response makes this film possible the best one in the series. Well, just sometimes towered by…

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

This is how to do a finale. Deathly Hallows Part 2 did not have the burden to set up and finale land and then execute it. It struck the nail right on the head, with the “Battle of Hogwarts.” The revelations don’t fail to make you shed a couple of tears and make you rethink the whole story in a different way. The deaths are gut-wrenching, the war is satisfying, the visuals are insane, the music is outstanding and it makes the film a powerhouse. Special characters get their places to shine, all of them invoking another great sense of excitement and thrill within the audience and making them go ‘woah’. This film is nothing short of a perfect Harry Potter film that pays off everything it sets up. And without a doubt secure the series as one of the best.

