Week 2: Vacation Week Ahead

Filter Coffee
5 min readAug 23, 2017


  1. Continue everything from Week 1’s list.
  2. Make lists of things to do and follow that daily.
  3. Connect with mindfulness and spirituality.

Day 8: I wake up Monday feeling super lethargic, since the weekend went by with lots of binge-watching, naps, meeting friends and family, and just weekend exhaustion.

Mimosa has been enjoying the wheelchair time everyday. She understands the word, and loves to hop on it. She also is exhausted by it very soon, and plops herself into the nearest found bed, wheelchair just hanging out.

My cousin’s husband has a start up and I had volunteered to help with any marketing needs since I have the time to do that now. I met with them this afternoon, and it was a productive brainstorming session, and I enjoyed it! I then met up with my (ex) work colleague, and we (shared) a bottle of Kombucha, which was refreshing in the heat! I got home and suddenly remembered it was Krishna’s birthday.

In India, this is done with much more grandeur. Welcoming Baby Krishna into the house is equivalent of welcoming a baby, future family, and just bringing a lot of happiness. Krishna loves dairy — milk, butter, yogurt/curd… there are a many stories about baby Krishna being the most mischievous, drinking milk from the cow, stealing butter from other households etc.

So I decided to make appam (flour, coconut, jaggery, raisins, banana and cardamom), fried in ghee, along with a stick of butter and a cup of (coconut) yogurt with berries, and welcomed baby Krishna into the house and fed him his favorite butter and yogurt.

I am very spiritual and find meaning in every little thing. Tonight two things happened, which I have decided to blame on Krishna.

My husband felt like eating naan and paneer and we decided to order takeout. We left the pups at home and got into the car. As we were about to head out, I felt that Frisbee might get to the appam on the table and eat it, and made him stop the car to keep the appam away. We got back to find Frisbee looking like Krishna, eaten all the yogurt and butter.

We got quite worried and left to take him to emergency, not knowing what butter might do to him. I ended up calling my Vet and she said it is not a big deal and we decided to come back, and monitor him through the night. It was weird though, I had a premonition that he would get to something. And Frisbee is a fairly good dog, he sleeps and doesn't really create havoc when we are gone. He continued to search for butter leftovers on the floor when we got back home, indicating he was doing just fine!

And then it struck me, when I was cooking, I placed a bottle on the shelf as I always do. Somehow it decided to fall down, and on the closed bottle of yogurt and splattered it all over the kitchen surface. Now I know, it may not mean anything. But I always put two and two together, and went to bed thanking Baby Krishna’s visit to our home.

Day 9: My lazy Tuesday begins with laziness since I was monitoring Friz all night and hardly got much sleep. He ate just boiled rice for breakfast, but seems absolutely fine. Today I took the learning from last week, and out together a timeline for two things:

  1. A roadmap for my Podcast, which will likely launch Sep 2nd
  2. A structure/proposal for the start up

Rest of the day was pretty much like last tuesday — lunch, nap, chai, dinner, sleep. It was super relaxing.

Today I also have been thinking about doing two more things, perhaps for next week, I don’t know. A vision board, and finally look to complete the 1000 piece puzzle I had bought when we first moved to Austin as a project my husband and I would do together. The list of things I want to do is endless, and still time somehow does not seem to suffice.

Day 10: Happy Hump Day, and also, one day before our vacay! The day started off with a good amount of things to do for me:

  1. Do laundry before we travel, but I needed to buy detergent and have not been able to make it to Costco. Simple things.
  2. Have to get Frisbee food/harness/leash and get ready for the vacay, because he is going with us
  3. Drop off Rosemary and Mimosa with a foster while we travel
  4. Had a coffee meeting with (ex) coworker/friend in the morning
  5. Wanted to eat lunch at home
  6. Wanted to do my music class in the morning
  7. Had a call with the startup to go over the details of my overview
  8. Had a scheduled podcast interview with someone who was traveling next week for 3 months, and this was my only chance
  9. Pack for vacay
  10. Get my eyebrows threaded
  11. Review my husband’s essay work (he has been wanting to apply to business schools)
  12. Mop/Clean the house so that we don’t come back to mess
  13. Realized my wallet is missing — had to find that

I got 9 out of 13 things done. I had to skip my music class today, but I will make it up next week for sure. I could not get to my eyebrows done, but hey, what are tweezers for, yeah? And finally, I did review the essays, except when I was in a happy-place, and kept saying it was all awesome — it was not! Alcohol does not suit me anymore — it only takes two strong glasses. But also, it means our vacation had already begun, and that only made me feel lighter and happier!

Day 11, 12: Vacation. I don’t want to say much — this might probably be a different post of my fun times. You need a break, even if you are on a break from work at home. Vacations are important. Getting away from the place you live in, your routines, your known environment is so important to explore, while appreciate what you have!

It was a nice short week, and more to come post vacation. Lots of Love!

