Spam Phishing campaign emanating from Microsoft

2 min readFeb 17, 2024


As we reported several weeks ago, we’re continuing to get large quantities of phishing spam coming from users at, and coming from which is a Microsoft IP block, and the offending domain at

Public Service from Safe Netting to watch out for phishing email!

The really disappointing thing is that Microsoft ignores the reports and simply allows this kind of cyber crime to exist in its system. We contacted Microsoft and tried and tried to find a contact. But Microsoft has insulated themselves so well from the public, there are no means of contact without opening an account.

We continue to try to get through.

Until then, be vigilant. These criminals are using very convincing scams using all the top rated companies like Apple, Home Depot, Lowes, and even hosts like HostGator and Gmail. Take a look at just one screen in one of our email accounts. These are ALL from Microsoft :

Actual listing of cyber crime attack email from Microsoft hosted cyber criminals

As you can see, they’re using lots of familiar terms and brands. The “portable heater” is piggybacking on Elon Musk’s heater invention. Notice also that some are now using “fake” dates intended to fool the spam traps. They don’t fool SpamCop.

When you get email from a major brand that you did not ask for, just don’t click. Delete it. If you believe it may be legit, and you do have a relationship with the alleged sender, then close the email and log in to that vendor directly to see if the offer is real. NEVER CLICK ON A LINK and NEVER DOWNLOAD OR OPEN AN ATTACHMENT. Period.

Be safe and thanks for practicing Safe Netting!

| Safenetting | Cybercrime | Cybersecurity | Spam | Email |

