Easy Tips To Extend The Lifespan Of Your HVAC System

2 min readDec 6, 2022


Your household activities rely on the HVAC system that provides heat and cold air in different weather conditions throughout the year. This appliance enables you to execute certain activities in a controlled environment. Everybody at home smoothly completes chores and keeps up with the schedule as long as the air conditioner is functioning to the fullest. However, you could face a stagnant situation when the HVAC breaks down after false applications or reaching the warranty period. Consider the following tips if you want to extend the lifespan of the AC.

Correct installation

When you buy a new air conditioner, you can’t wait to unpack the box and try its performance. At first, the brief instruction on the package looks simple for anyone with basic knowledge of material handling. When looking at it closely, you will notice that the mere statement is just for maintenance purposes. Nobody can install the HVAC system by simply following brand instructions. The only person who knows how to unpack and install the product in the correct position is someone with experience in appliance servicing. You can find such a professional through the store that sells the product.

Avoid putting stress

Every electrical appliance available in the market has a capability regarding product quality and usage habits. You can keep the air conditioner running by using it carefully and following the guidelines provided by its manufacturer. Ignoring the rules of applications and doing abusive behaviors on the appliance can lead to early breakdown. For example, adding more loads than should be to an HVAC system can damage the machine. No matter how badly you want fresh air in a room, do not stress your appliance since it cannot endure extra pressure.

Routine maintenance

Despite cleaning your room every day, the HVAC system could show symptoms of malfunction if you leave it unclean for weeks. Dirt particles in the air will stick to the inner parts and joints of the machine when coming back from work. They could develop debris on the appliance when they stay there for a long time. Cleaning the accessible areas of the AC parts, such as covers and panels, is a basic task required for routine maintenance. You can create regular cleaning even if you are not dismantling its components.

Identifying signs of damages

While a newly bought air conditioner will run efficiently without interruptions, the one that has crossed the warranty period might slow at work. You can notice the old appliance showing symptoms such as cranky noise, hot air, or motionless air in the room. Repairing the machine after it stops functioning is expensive and worthless since the repair work may not revive the dead appliance. Replacing its weary parts on time is the best way to enhance its performance.e

To increase the air quality from the air conditioner, install 20x25x1 Merv 11 in its filtration system. The filter can block allergens and microorganisms that can cause respiratory issues.

Author’s Bio — The writer is an avid online blogger. This article is about20x25x1 merv 11.

