Belitung, a Place Where Colors and Shapes Merge into Beauty

1 min readJul 9, 2019


Belitung Island is a part of Bangka Belitung Islands Province, located to the east of Sumatra Island. Belitung Island itself is then divided into two regency; Belitung Regency with Tanjungpandan as the capital and East Belitung Regency with Manggar as the capital. This island is located between Gaspar Strait and Karimata Strait.

Tanjung Kelayang, Belitung, Indonesia via Instagram/gamatclothingTanjung Kelayang is simply the prima donna of all Belitung’s magnificence. This beach is simply impressive, there is no other way to describe it. It will make an everlasting great impression to whoever has the luck to behold such beauty.

Feel the soft white sand on its 4 kilometers of beautiful beach. Or just adore the grand combination of the white sand, blue sky, magnificent granite rocks formation that makes this place is truly one of a kind….read more

