Financial Advisors: Join me on an international speaking (and listening) tour!

Sarah Newcomb
2 min readOct 3, 2016


I have an amazing job. As a behavioral economist for Morningstar, I am charged with answering some of the most fascinating and difficult questions facing investors and advisors alike. What are the psychological barriers to good money management? How do we become better financial decision-makers? How can we best advise people who are sabotaging their own financial health? I have written a book, a blog, and many articles on the subject of financial psychology, but I haven’t even penetrated the surface of this vast and important topic. This is why I want YOU to join me on my current speaking tour.

Over the next few weeks, I will have the incredible privilege to travel to several amazing cities on four continents speaking to financial advisors investors, and educators about the human side of money management. Along the way, I will be doing my best to learn more about the unique challenges that face advisors when trying to help people change problematic financial behaviors.

As I travel to Europe, Africa, India, and several cities around the US, I will be posting photos, observations, and questions here. If you are a financial advisor, an investor, or just interested in how psychology can help you be better at managing your money, I invite you to join me (virtually) for this trip. I may be traveling to speak, but I am also traveling to learn. What are the most pressing questions for YOU when it comes to financial behavior change? What themes emerge for you where you find yourself thinking, “This is an emotional issue, not really a financial one,”?

The more who follow and contribute to this journey, the better. The more I know about the challenges you face, the more likely that I can offer tips and tools in the future to help you add value for your clients.

So, follow me! Join the conversation. Post your observations and questions, and let’s do this together!




Sarah Newcomb

Behavioral economist at Morningstar DC/HelloWallet, loudmouth, yogi, occasional blogger, Star Trek junkie.