Fin (Formerly Finclusion)
2 min readAug 12, 2021

Finclusion South Africa empowers learners of Kasselsvlei Comprehensive High School

It was an emotional day for both the teachers and learners of Kasselsvlei Comprehensive High School as we gathered in the school offices in anticipation.

With Covid19 hitting South Africa in March this year and most of the country coming to a stand still, many learners across the country have suffered with schools closing, no transport, and social distancing which has prohibited students all attending class at the same time. Whilst some school learners have been able to learn remotely, others may not have the technology to do so as easily, some having to study for their upcoming Grade 12 exams via WhatsApp.

After reading a column in the Sunday Times by Professor Jonathon Jansen that included an essay by Etaine Wilson, a senior learner at the school sharing her dreams as a woman in South Africa and not only what she hopes to achieve in her future, but how she hopes to change the futures of women and children in our beautiful country we as Finclusion South Africa were inspired and looked to see where we could assist.

Our mission is to enhance financial inclusion and enable small communities in Africa through the delivery of technology that will see individuals, families, small businesses and communities develop and grow towards a better future.

“This article really resonated at a deeply personal level. We have to show our youth that people are listening, that your efforts are noticed and recognised, now in the time of Covid more than ever before. It is schools like Kasselsvlei and people like Etaine that can and will change lives and communities in South Africa. By helping a few people, we are helping so many in the long run” Says Mark Young, CEO of Finclusion South Africa

On Wednesday the 22nd of July, Mark Young met with the learners and teachers at Kasselsvlei High School to hand over some much needed learning materials for the matric learners including calculators for each student, pencil bags with writing tools as well as laptops with internet bundles for three of the top students that have struggled with distance learning through the lockdown period.

“Education is the key to the development of people, small communities and nations, and without it, these will never prosper. We see this a first step in a longer journey we hope to walk with Kasselsvlei Comprehensive. We hope these students can continue the school year and achieve the results they set out to achieve despite the setbacks we have encountered this year”, Concludes Young

Fin (Formerly Finclusion)

Fin is simply smarter finance for everybody. Providing you with credit, insurance, financial wellness and more: fast, convenient and reliable.